You'll find this one listed under "Arrogant bitch"


Well-Known Member
Don't call me ma'am.



Barbara Boxer: Please Call Me 'Senator'
Posted: 06/17/09
Filed Under:The Capitolist

At a sometimes contentious Capitol Hill hearing Tuesday, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee chairwoman, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), had a request for Army Corps of Engineers division leader, Brigadier General Michael Walsh.

During a terse exchange, as Boxer pressed Walsh on why the levees in New Orleans are still not repaired nearly four years after Hurricane Katrina, she said to Walsh:

"Could you say 'senator' instead of 'ma'am? It's just a thing. I worked so hard to get that title. I'd appreciate it."

The general's response? "Yes, Senator."

The blogosphere exploded with reaction following the senator's comments, with some arguing the senator deserves to be addressed by the title she's earned through three Senate elections, and others saying it's the general who deserves a little more respect.


Well-Known Member
I would have answered "Yes Ma'am, Senator."

It wasn't all that long ago that all officers in the military, regardless of sex, were referred to as "Sir".


Well-Known Member
she was being unselfish and just wants what's best for that Gen. that
put is life on the line...several times for her. Not*punch*


Well-Known Member
If you’re in the senate it means you've won a popularity contest.

If you’re a general it means you’ve won the respect of those you command and those who have commanded you....


Another fine example of the demonicrats supporting the troops....those murdering, baby killing bastards!!


Well-Known Member
One of my bosses was a doctor of physics and I asked him why he never used the term doctor when he would introduce himself to people. He said "I do, but only for those who need it."

Boxer is a silly bitch who couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.


New Member
I did, she showed no disdain for the General. She calmly requested how she would liek to be referred to.

Anything else is made up wishful thinking.