Your( a proud OTC member) ass is going to prison..all of you.


New Member
Bet you didn't think you'd be on the wrong side of the law when you started this quiz? Thought you were sweet and innocent? Well maybe you should swot up on the law. Otherwise you never know when you might get a knock on the door…

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 6 Potential fine: £5000

*Please note this is just a fun quiz so don't be alarmed by your score! The maximum penalty has been taken for each crime and no consideration for scale of crime committed.



Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite

Ello, ello, ello… what 'ave we 'ere then…? You're living close to the edge and it's only a matter of time before you're collared by the Old Bill. You may have fallen on your feet so far, but it won't last forever. Have you ever thought about a more rewarding pastime? (Emotionally that is…) Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes

[font=Courier New, Courier, mono]Years in prison: 100.5 [/font]

[font=Courier New, Courier, mono]Potential fine: £7000 [/font]

Guess it's a damn good thing I didn't get caught, huh?


Too cute for words
Ello, ello, ello… what 'ave we 'ere then…? You're living close to the edge and it's only a matter of time before you're collared by the Old Bill. You may have fallen on your feet so far, but it won't last forever. Have you ever thought about a more rewarding pastime? (Emotionally that is…) Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:[font=Courier New, Courier, mono]document.write(param('years'));Years in prison: 28 Potential fine: £9500 Plus a possibility of the death penalty! [/font][font=Courier New, Courier, mono]*Please note this is just a fun quiz so don't be alarmed by your score! The maximum penalty has been taken for each crime and no consideration for scale of crime committed.[/font]

Luis G

Staff member
Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 12.5 Potential fine: £7000


New Member

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New Member
w000t! I don't feel so bad now. :D You all are MUCH worse than lil' ol' me!! :D

/me is Miss Innocent with the slightly Southern accent :D



Annoying SOB
I know 'everyone's doing it', but that doesn't mean its legal. Ok - chances are slim that anyone is ever going to prosecute you, but it just takes one bit of bad luck. It may seem easier to take the quick, cheaper option, but they might just clamp down. Nah, you'll be fine… Well maybe not. Yeah its OK… Actually… Ooh. Aah.

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 72 Potential fine: £0

*Please note this is just a fun quiz so don't be alarmed by your score! The maximum penalty has been taken for each crime and no consideration for scale of crime committed
Alright geezer! Fancy yourself as a bit tasty? It may be against the law, but what they don't know won't hurt 'em eh? We know your heart's in the right place… but watch out or that place may be a 3 to 5 stretch in Pentonville with 'Mad' Frank, Harry the Horse and 'Wristy' Rich Richardson.

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 36.5 Potential fine: £7000


Staff member
In the clear
You can stand up straight and walk tall, no one's after you, unless they're trying to nick something from you! It's good to behave 100% correctly and to the letter of the law, though it's hardly life on the edge…

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

[font=Courier New, Courier, mono]Years in prison: 5 Potential fine: £0[/font]

OK, everyone, remind me never to move to Minnesota or Indonesia. Thanks. :beerbang:


New Member
"Most people have, but did you know that in UK, it is still illegal to eat mince pies on Christmas Day."

What the fuck??????
Well if it is still illegal through some ancient law I don't think the police are busting into peoples homes to check on whether they are consuming mince pies! :rofl:

"In the UK it is illegal to be drunk on Licensed Premises (in a pub or bar), and perfectly legal for someone to refuse to serve you if they think you are drunk!"

Another one thats not enforced very well. At least not in the bars in scotland that I have been in....

:drink: :drink2:

"Placing a postage stamp that bears the Queen (or King) upside down is considered treason in UK. Until very recently treason was still an offence punishable by death in the UK."

Well so is defacing anything that bears the head of the queen such as british currency... But again I doubt this offence would be punished by anything more than the item posted not being delivered.

"Pennsylvania there is a ban on men becoming aroused in public."

So walking around with your eyes closed and not taking any bus journeys is in order then ;)


New Member
I've never had a mince pie and wouldn't know what "mince" was if it bit me in the ass. :(

I guess my puny 6 years isn't so bad afterall. *hehe* Though I can't believe fury only gets 5!