The Mexican Left


molṑn labé
Staff member
Has cajones. They, like the left everywhere, can't stand to not be in power & will destroy their own country to regain power but they are certainly dedicated.

MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Vicente Fox was forced to forego the last state-of-the-nation address of his presidency Friday after leftist lawmakers stormed the stage of Congress to protest disputed July 2 elections.

You know what pisses me off? People who can't speak english yet expect me to be able to communicate with them.

There were these two fuckers who could barely speak english interrogating me about the playstation 2 at work today. I was like "I have absolutely no idea what you're asking me." and then they said some more gibberish and I was like "I don't understand you at all." and then they made hang gestures and said some more shit and I was like "Yeah, that's a playstation 2." and they looked pissed off and walked away.

Then there were some chinese lady filling out a credit application. Luckily she was smart enough to bring her bilingual daughter to translate for me. It was difficult, but I managed.

And then there's the whole "Musica Latina" section of my department. I HATE that section.

First of all, aplhabetizing it is a bitch. All of the fucking bands are called "Los [some non-english shit]" or some shit like that.

I have a rather elegant solution. We are rather lenient on alphabetization. The general rule of thumb is the first two, maybe three letters. If two things have the same first two or three letters, it doesn't matter which one is first. Since all of the CDs begin with "Los", I put them ALL between "Lor" and "Lot".

I don't know what "Los" means, or why they name all of their bands that, and frankly, I don't give a flying fuck. I just put the spanish CDs in whatever order.

If a customer is looking for a specific one, I will look it up on the computer, but I tell them "I don't understand spanish, so you're on your own for finding it." or, even more likeily, tell them "we don't carry it" because even if we did have it, I probably can't spell the title right, so I won't get any hits if I search for it.

If they ask for a spanish CD, I point them to the section, and say "Good luck."

I don't speak a word of spanish. On principle. Not even jokingly. If I am forced to say a spanish word, I make sure to mangle it as badly as possible.

I also refuse to attempt to understand spanish words. English with a heavy accent, I'll try, but straight up spanish, no fucking way.
El, La, Los & Las means "The"

What does my post have to do with your rant?
Uhm, yeah, I don't really care what it means. See last line.

It has to do with spanish people. Besides, we could use a break from the anti-democrat rhetoric. move it to the "bitch about work" thread if you want, that's fine. mexican had me thinking about mexicans and that had me thinking about the foreigners at work.
You're absofuckingultely right and I hate those fucking wetbacks. *piss2*

We renovated our first floor and the entire construction crew was Mexican. They brought a bilingual translator with them however half the time I did not understand a fucking single word. I tried asking what time are you leaving tonight and the the worker said “Hola Amigo,” and walked away. I'm fucking paying you money at least let me fucking understand you in some shape or form.

Sometimes these fuckers don't even speak Spanish, they speak Portuguese. Then it's worse cause you will talk to them in Spanish and instead of them trying to fathom what you said they yell at you for speaking Spanish. They go on and tell you their life story on how they are not Spanish and the difference. By then your so fucking out of it you walk away and say bye, Amigo.

I do not know if they were illegal. They had a banking account and a car to their name. I hired the company, Millienum... What they do, is not my problem.
I do not know if they were illegal. They had a banking account and a car to their name. I hired the company, Millienum... What they do, is not my problem.

Both are easy to get without being here legally... ever hear of the Matricula Consular? Also, if Wal-Mart is responsible for illegal aliens cleaning the bathrooms even though the illegals were hired by a subcontractor, then that means you're responsible for illegal aliens working in your home... and just wait until one gets hurt. You're in deep shit then.
I do not know if they were illegal. They had a banking account and a car to their name. I hired the company, Millienum... What they do, is not my problem.

When I had my carpeting installed, I insisted the contractor not send illegals. It is your house. It is your money. Spend it the correct way.
Oh my gooodness, it's all the left's fault. Hooduhthunkit?!?!?!? :rofl4:

*Rawk, rawk! Pieces of eight! Rawk!*