Move over Tupperware.


New Member
I went to a "Slumber Party" today...anyone ever hear of this? It's like a tupperware party for the bedroom.
I was very surprised to be impressed with the selection and quality of the items! I was honestly expecting crap.
I'm going to host at the house one next month.
LOL! I really need to reread what I type.

I bought:
2 toys for me - 1 bath and one regular (the bath one is backordered :( )
1 toy for Rob - it's a surprise as to what it is so don't ask :p (it's also backordered :( )
1 couple toy
bottle of toy cleaner and a bottle of lube.
First of PM box works

Second...I totally am not in the gutter today...I was thinking like quilts and pillows and such :lloyd:
Nix? Pm awaits.

Spirit - Not bad! I had my eye on a $130.00 vibrator but couldn't quite justify that today...I get a great discount when I host so maybe then :D
First of PM box works

Second...I totally am not in the gutter today...I was thinking like quilts and pillows and such :lloyd:

oh dear - er- me too ... the gutter's gone all down the pan these days - not how it used to be, when it had a homely feel...
oh dear - er- me too ... the gutter's gone all down the pan these days - not how it used to be, when it had a homely feel...

Prof hogs all the room in the gutter, he's gone and pushed me right out...:hmm:

I really should look into getting my own gutter (hopefully Dec 1 if my viewing goes well very own gutter/cave in Toronto :D)
Prof hogs all the room in the gutter, he's gone and pushed me right out...:hmm:

I really should look into getting my own gutter (hopefully Dec 1 if my viewing goes well very own gutter/cave in Toronto :D)

I can seriously see why people think Prof and I are married...he pushed me outta the figurative gutter...the gutter I am looking at in Toronto is a real apartment however...

ugh, now i've gone and even confused myself :crap:
I can't even get the wife to pick up massage oil.
LOL Slumber Parties is the name of the company. I suppose they wanted it to sound innocent enough.
I went to a "Slumber Party" today...anyone ever hear of this? It's like a tupperware party for the bedroom.
I was very surprised to be impressed with the selection and quality of the items! I was honestly expecting crap.
I'm going to host at the house one next month.

Dara has been to several over the years (she doesn't always buy something). She thinks they're pretty cool too. She's never hosted one though.
Dara has been to several over the years (she doesn't always buy something). She thinks they're pretty cool too. She's never hosted one though.

She should! You get lotsa freebies and a great discount!

I need to start thinking about lewd hors d'oeuvres ;)
perhaps chcr was a sayin' - she don't need to! :)

Male pride! :hump:

*odd how she goes to a few of these ...but never tells him she ever buys anything!* :grinyes:

heh - just kidding guys! / Chcr - :)

-er - so... you single Tonks? .. or does the other half never come on here? :eek3: :D ;) got a quirky good lookin thing going down btw, by your picture!
Bjork was a babe.

Best, BB xx
I'm sure whatever Dara buys she shares with Chic ;)
Male pride shouldn't get in the way of more fun!

BB - Unclehobart is my significant other type person.

Thank you for the compliment :D