Who do you trust

I say privacy was wounded in World War I with the creation of the income tax and dealt a death blow with the war powers acts created at the start of World War II.
“One’s privacy, like other aspects of one’s honor, was not a market commodity that could simply be definitively sold.”

The devil made me do it? You chose to dishonor yourself, you suffer the consequences,
If you don't let much information about your self out then privacy is kept up to a certain level. If you start blabbing then the whole world is in your bedroom...
If you don't let much information about your self out then privacy is kept up to a certain level. If you start blabbing then the whole world is in your bedroom...

Got a phone? Got internet access? Cable or satellite TV? A credit card? A bank account? A social security number? :shrug:
Got a phone? Got internet access? Cable or satellite TV? A credit card? A bank account? A social security number? :shrug:

Unlisted...only at work...in the wife's name...unfortunately yes...yes...yes. Minimize and consolidate. Helps you sleep at night.
Unlisted...only at work...in the wife's name...unfortunately yes...yes...yes. Minimize and consolidate. Helps you sleep at night.

Anyone with enought money or power or both can find out anything they want to know about you anytime they feel like it. That's the way it's been for decades. Do what you want to and don't worry about it. Damned few of us are important enough that anyone will care. I just find it amusing that so many people seriously believe that privacy is anything but an outmoded concept or that there is some magical way to protect it.

I sleep fine at night, BTW. Well unless I have heartburn or gas... :fart:
Anyone with enought money or power or both can find out anything they want to know about you anytime they feel like it. That's the way it's been for decades. Do what you want to and don't worry about it. Damned few of us are important enough that anyone will care. I just find it amusing that so many people seriously believe that they privacy is anything but an outmoded concept or that there is some magical way to protect it.

I sleep fine at night, BTW. Well unless I have heartburn or gas... :fart:

But why would they? That was my point as well...:shrug:
Got a phone?


Got internet access?


Gee, I don't know...

Cable or satellite TV?


A credit card? A bank account?

Yes to both, credit card is locked in the safe..

A social security number?

Sure do, how about you?

Your point is asking?
Anybody can find dirt on anybody if they look in the right place, why volunteer any more then necesary?
Your point is asking?

Sorry highway, I thought the point was obvious.

Oh, and FYI? Locking your credit card in a safe does little for it's security. 99.99999999% of credit card fraud is perpetrated without having the actual card. Makes you feel better though, I'm sure. There's something to be said for that.

Edit: Oops, answered a question you didn't actually ask there. :blush:
I thought the War Powers Act was Vietnam-era...:confused:
Mine is in low-case ... speaking about the broad powers given the government in a crisis situation... ergo, war powers acts. I didn't mean the literal 'War Powers Act'... which is indeed Vietnam era. A case in point... the mass interning of Japanese blood Americans for the duration.
Oh, and FYI? Locking your credit card in a safe does little for it's security.

Your right, it does not. All that is needed in your SSN, account statement(mine are shreded and burned after a "resonable" length of time) or the account number. The reason it is locked in the safe is that I know were it is at...

My ATM card works as one for purchases that require one though.

Smart move, I do the same. you cannot spend what you don't have and there are situations that a card is needed...