It's Time!

With the elected Iraqi pres. saying that, I'd say 'Declare Victory',,
then shift the soldiers back to Afghanistan.....(maybe elsewhere too),
and see what happens.

It's not like the 'region' has to be vacated, or that we couldn't go baaack in,
if Al-Maliki asked. (like Kuwait did):shrug:

I say give them a chance to prove it.
yeah leave and come back would be very pricey. fuck all that.

where is the value for my tax dollars in this fiasco?


redeploy soldiers to the southern US border. much cheaper for them to patrol desert there...
yeah leave and come back would be very pricey. fuck all that.

where is the value for my tax dollars in this fiasco?


redeploy soldiers to the southern US border. much cheaper for them to patrol desert there...

it's my understanding that it's costing 10bil a day now, to be there.:shrug:
That is with a "B"
redeploy soldiers to the southern US border. much cheaper for them to patrol desert there...

Posse Comitatus Act.

Iraq is a battlefront in a larger war. They've been attacking us (no, not the Iraqis you smartasses) for almost three decades. All over the place. Right now, we've limited them.

Learn from our past mistakes. Do not repeat them because it's inconvenient. If we do, we may as well bring our troops home, all of them, every single one, because our name will be mud & nobody will trust us ever again. Isolationism is not an answer.
Anyone feel free to correct my maths M'Kay?

Cat your number is total fricken bullshit

the ENTIRE defense budget like a half a trillion

(that's 500 billion dollars for those of you in Rio Linda)

10 billion times 365 equals What?

more than the entire federal budget?

No the cost is much less
even the commie-assed has it at 195 mil
but I don’t believe that either
We are gonna blow that half
a trillion whether the boys are killing the bad guys
(their job by the way)
or sitting on their asses drinking beer stateside
in the NCO club.
No we never left West Germany, Japan
South Korea or Bosnia
and the VC want us back!

We ain't givin' up Iraq ya dumbasses
that's where the SUV juice is, Hell we gotta
take over Iran next Sheesh where you been the last
62 years. If we'd fought the commies inna shootin'
war we'd own that place too!

Résistance is futile!

OK just in case pedantic man happens by this way
yes I know I typed Résistance not Resistance.

Get it?
No Gonz I'd love to see Billary get in there and
be a surrender monkey. Then when they predictably nuke us
we'll have carte blanche to kick their asses all the way back
to the seventh century where they belong.

And having her as a wartime President would
be freckin' icing on the roasted shit pile cake!
Cat your number is total fricken bullshit

could be:shrug:
That's just what I heard several says in the senate, on the rep. side.

I'm sure if they did make a change immediately as a result of their gov.
making those statements, it'd still take 'a while' to fully make a change.

As far as the war on terror....
I'm guessing it'd be harder to fight in Afghanistan, what with the terrain.:shrug:
I'm sure there would be just as big a fight there though, if migrated to
that region more though.

I'm not trying to second guess the Gens., it just pisses me off that
the Iraqi leadership doesn't seem to appreciate the efforts of our troops
more, than to make a statement like that.
The Iraqi PM said that because it's in his politcal best interest to say they're strong enough. Admitting weakness, or unpreparedness, is akin to a KICK ME sign on your back.
He could have done like he's been doing, and said nothing.
Others in the gov. have been even more vocal....against us.:confused:
Posse Comitatus Act.

Iraq is a battlefront in a larger war. They've been attacking us (no, not the Iraqis you smartasses) for almost three decades. All over the place. Right now, we've limited them.

Learn from our past mistakes. Do not repeat them because it's inconvenient. If we do, we may as well bring our troops home, all of them, every single one, because our name will be mud & nobody will trust us ever again. Isolationism is not an answer.

iraq is a nearly-irrelevant battlefield in the "larger war." it's a massive and impotent waste of money that could be put to much better anti-terrorist uses. though, at least, we've had brilliant success at radicalizing what was a secular state. go team.

what past mistakes? vietnam?

isolationism? there's a difference between swearing off buttfucking fat chicks and becoming celibate. iraq is a fat chick with a mustache.
There are no such things as civilians in a war zone. Anything that runs is VC. Anything that stands still is a well trained VC.
Pvt. Joker: How can you shoot innocent women and children like that?

Helicopter gunner: It's easy. You just don't lead them as much. You see, anyone that runs, is V.C. Anyone that stands still is well disciplined V.C. Ain't war hell?
The last time we ended a war for political reasons over well two million civilians were murdered. Lesson learned?

and that happened where and when? why? and if we'd never gone there in the first place there wouldna been mass killings? and this is all somehow the US taxpayers' burden?
The last time we ended a war for political reasons over well two million civilians were murdered. Lesson learned?

Well let's just end it because most Iraqis, US citizens, and US soldiers want us to and maybe because it's huge waste of taxpayer money that's having the opposite of the intended effect.
and that happened where and when? why? and if we'd never gone there in the first place there wouldna been mass killings? and this is all somehow the US taxpayers' burden?

He'd been doing it for years. Nobody cared until we went in the first time, and then it was front-page news. Same thing with Milosovic...Pohl Pot...Chairman Mao...Adolph Hitler...Pinochet...Hirohito...Franco...etc., etc., etc...

None of the above were the US taxpayers burden, either. The differences are all a degree of how much the public cares. Trouble is, the public is very superficial and selfish, and will act accordingly when their pockets are 'threatened' via media 'leaks'.