"Dumbledore is gay," says Rowling.


Well-Known Member
So once again we have an idiot "outing" a fictional character. She is likely trying to stimulate controversey -- for her own monetary gain, of course.

Remember when gays claimed that Robin Hood and his entire band were gay? Peter Pan and the Lost Boys?



J.K. Rowling Reveals 'Harry Potter' Character Dumbledore Is Gay
Saturday, October 20, 2007

J.K. Rowling
NEW YORK — Harry Potter fans, the rumors are true: Albus Dumbledore, master wizard and Headmaster of Hogwarts, is gay.

J.K. Rowling, author of the mega-selling fantasy series that ended last summer, outed the beloved character Friday night while appearing before a full house at Carnegie Hall. After reading briefly from the final book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," she took questions from audience members.

She was asked by one young fan whether Dumbledore finds "true love."

"Dumbledore is gay," the author responded to gasps and applause.

She then explained that Dumbledore was smitten with rival Gellert Grindelwald, whom he defeated long ago in a battle between good and bad wizards. "Falling in love can blind us to an extent," Rowling said of Dumbledore's feelings, adding that Dumbledore was "horribly, terribly let down."

Dumbledore's love, she observed, was his "great tragedy."

"Oh, my god," Rowling concluded with a laugh, "the fan fiction."

Potter readers on fan sites and elsewhere on the Internet have speculated on the sexuality of Dumbledore, noting that he has no close relationship with women and a mysterious, troubled past. And explicit scenes with Dumbledore already have appeared in fan fiction.

Rowling told the audience that while working on the planned sixth Potter film, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," she spotted a reference in the script to a girl who once was of interest to Dumbledore. A note was duly passed to director David Yates, revealing the truth about her character.

Rowling, finishing a brief "Open Book Tour" of the United States, her first tour here since 2000, also said that she regarded her Potter books as a "prolonged argument for tolerance" and urged her fans to "question authority."

Not everyone likes her work, Rowling said, likely referring to Christian groups that have alleged the books promote witchcraft. Her news about Dumbledore, she said, will give them one more reason.

Harry Potter is not real. None of the characters in this book are real. Their adventures are the creation of one person's imagination. They "do" exactly what they are told to "do", and not one blessed thing more. No amount of literary dissemination will ever change that fact. What they "do" has precisely zero impact on the day to day life of any living creature beyond the author and his/her accountant.

Just thought I'd point that out. Cuz the hysteria and hype and mad clamour over these books is ludicrous at best. Grown adults missing work to camp out at a bookstore so they can get their copy at 12:01 AM. Guess what, you immature idiots...it'll say the exact same thing if you buy your copy AFTER work. Or 27 years after release date.

We now return you to Grey's Anatomy, already in progress...
She was asked by one young fan whether Dumbledore finds "true love."

"Dumbledore is gay," the author responded to gasps and applause.

We'll start with...what does being homosexual have to do with finding true love? Now add, why was there applause at this announcement? IS homosexuality a prize? We'll end up with, unless she plans a porn version of Harry Pothead, does any of this matter?
Remember when gays claimed that Robin Hood and his entire band were gay? Peter Pan and the Lost Boys?
No grounds for comparison unless those claims were made by the authors of the above mentioned tales.

And why even care? I mean, really...
Author's prerogative to do it. According to the above, Dumbledore's been outted for quite a while anyway - she had to inform a director/writer that he was gay for the 6th movie.

Anyway, if you read the interview in context, you'd know she then goes on to tell about how he did find true love - with an old rival, so the D is gay comment was relevant to the true love question.

And I think it's cool. We need more gay role models out there, whether they're fictional or not.
Why would she have to inform the director? I can't recall too many incidents of Dumbledore showing Ron his wand that have to be explained away.

I always figured Filch for being the closet boy toy anyway.
Why must we have more role models where we know their sexual preferences at all? If it's not important to the storyline, it's irrelevent
One can be gay and still have ladyfriends... even romantic notions, if not lustful. It could have been, as alluded, just a thought... a mention of a possibility of an old flame. I don't think they need to bend themselves over a rail on this one. Its still all about Harry and the 'ol good/evil bit. Its never been about Brokeback Hogwarts.
Then why the need to 'out' him? It's a childrens book, for goodness sake. Can't we let it be a childrens book without putting adult agendas into it? :rolleyes:

The goal is recruitment, my man, recruitment through indoctrination; plain and simple.