Methinks this guy is in bad trouble

Someone broke into the (closed) Beer Store here last week. He stole a case of beer. All that effort. One case.


A true Canadian. :canada:

Did he break in with a hockey stick?

I really crack myself up, y'know?
Catch 'em in the act & then shoot 'em.

somehow i'd rather shoot the FLDS guys BEFORE they stick their dicks in the children. but we can do that, now, given the standard set in people v horn as interpreted by the luminaries in the OTC hall of justice. those guys horn shot looked and seemed like they probably committed a crime. so let's be equally prejudicial with the kid fuckers, eh? seen lurking suspiciously from a child's bedroom after 10pm? kablooooey!
The headlines didn't read "Man accidentally shoots gardeners".

But it could have, just cause they where doing something illegal doesn't mean he was right. He had no proof they where doing anything illegal, and shoot them, which means he is guilty.
But he had NO proof they did anything wrong, just suspition, innocent until proven guilty and all that.

That is the legal supposition. If I catch someone with my (fill in item here) I am already convinced.

so let's be equally prejudicial with the kid fuckers, eh? seen lurking suspiciously from a child's bedroom after 10pm? kablooooey!

Works for me.
But it could have, just cause they where doing something illegal doesn't mean he was right. He had no proof they where doing anything illegal, and shoot them, which means he is guilty.

Welcome to the wonderful world of "Coulda" where reality is kept in check by what might have been.
Welcome to the wonderful world of "Coulda" where reality is kept in check by what might have been.

Welcome to the world of law you mean.

You want to to start your own facist government where you get to shoot people on suspition or lock them away with no proof you go ahead.

oops too late, (Gitmo anyone)
Welcome to the world of law you mean.

You want to to start your own facist government where you get to shoot people on suspition or lock them away with no proof you go ahead.

oops too late, (Gitmo anyone)

Two guys get shot in the back while fleeing a crime scene and it becomes fascism?

fas·cism [fash-iz-uhm]

–noun 1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Wow! All that from a couple of illegals getting their asses shot off.
..and yet, terms like 'communist', 'pinko' and 'red' get tossed out whenever the Democrats come into any conversation..hmmm.
..and yet, terms like 'communist', 'pinko' and 'red' get tossed out whenever the Democrats come into any conversation..hmmm.

That's what happens when you are Left leaning just like the term "Nazi" gets thrown around whenever Republicans come into the conversation; but that's what happens when you are Right leaning. I let it bounce off and consider the source.

Remember when a Democrat congressman walked out of a committee hearing and said "I fought against you guys in World War 2."?
You guys need more than just a two-party system. It's divisive at best.
"Sticks and stones' are being used by both sides, frankly.

"Let he who is without sin..." comes to mind.
You guys need more than just a two-party system. It's divisive at best.
"Sticks and stones' are being used by both sides, frankly.

"Let he who is without sin..." comes to mind.

You mean like The Democratic Party, The Republican Party, The Green Party, The Libertarian Party, The Communist Party, The National Socialist Party, and The Progressive (Socialist) Party among others?

This nation was formed as an adversarial system of government. We have had numerous parties in the past -- Bullmoose, Whig, Federalist, etc. -- but we now basically have a two party system. The others are offshoot parties usually formed in the heat of some dispute or the PC du jour.
Yup. The dems and reps are the ones with the funding (as they are the largest) so most of Americans only see them. The libertarians are the next largest...I think but they tend to run on the independant ticket.