Hellboy II


Well-Known Member
Saw "Hellboy II" last night with MrsBish...and I've got a mixed opinion on the film.

Directed by Del Torro, I expected the kind of acid-trip visuals that I saw in Pan Labyrinth and wasn't disappointed. It's visually stunning, but does have it's "Too busy" moments, where there are so many things to look at that you can't help but miss half of it.

The storyline was patently obvious and I could've predicted the ending from watching the first 5 minutes, but the middle bit made up for it. There was some lag in the action where another plot line was introduced...it could've done without it, but I guess that it'll help drive the next movie.

I'll give it a 3 1/2 out of 5...and most of that score came from Del Torro's visuals and characterizations of the fey folk.
I really want to see it simply for the "prettiness" factor. Pan's Labrynth was beautiful. I believe we'll wait to rent it though.
I swear, the man was breastfed on Acid. Many of his ideas about fairies and other fey folk cross-over from Pan's to Hellboy. "Tooth faeries" now give me nightmares!
I think it was a great movie, and that Can't Smile Without You scene was great :D