On one side I think the magnitude of it is too small to have repercussions, but on the other hand, no one can tell for sure.
How this world could suck even more than it already does is beyond me.
OMG - we're all going to die!!! Run to the...er...hide under your desks with your hands over your heads...er...hands over your ears!!!111!!oneone!
being someone who went to school during the "Cold War" years... all you have to do is "Duck and Cover" and you will be completely safe.![]()
... Well as long as there isn't any poetry.It's a secret Vogon plot to make way for the hyperspace bypass.
Oh, that's right- the proposals have been posted at the Galactic Planning Office for years- lazy humans!
It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on Earth has ever produced the phrase, ‘as pretty as an airport.'