Updated pics?

they're not sure yet because not all identical twins share a sack. They have their own sacks but they're closer together than usual when it comes to fraternal twins. All I know is at the moment, they look completely alike to me BWUAHAHAHAHAH :D
that one was done about 7 weeks ago .. I'll have another in about 2 weeks just to check their progress and to aid in the amnio ... we should know more then. I can't wait to find out if they're boys or girls .. or, as my daughter predicts, one of each.
That would be awesome!

So fresh me on how names will be selected? Not until after the birth? I seem to remember you talking about it before.....or maybe it was Ku'u.
well, their English names (somewhere in the middle) will be chosen by their dad to honor his Irish family (though there are some English names I *reaaaallllyyyyy* want them to have. Hopefully I'll get a hand in there since we do the 'two names with a hyphen' thing). Their first names will come when they're born, depending on what's happening in the environment or what they 'look' like ... though sometimes we have the names come in a dream (like my middle son) before they're born. I'm not sure who's going to name them, probably my mom. I'll probably give them a piece of their first name. Maybe the skittles will name them ... we'll wait and see ..
Nice! I would hate to see what my girls would pick....probably Angel Pikachu or something.

Here's hoping it'll be long enough until they have to pick that they'll be past that state and on to better names... like April Mae.
I like that pic Sam.
You look good, especially for some of what you've had to endure in the recent past.
PC, what was the matter with you?

I hurt myself at work, and it got worse somehow. I went to the ER, was admitted right away. Stayed in the hospital for a week and a half. At first the doctors thought the infection stemmed from my kidneys, or liver, or gall bladder. Wasn't until the MRI that they found an abscess in my spinal canal.

So they operated on it. I got out of the hospital 5 days later. And now I'm on antibiotics that I take intravenously for the next two months.

It's been two weeks since I got out and I feel much better. I have a follow up appointment with my neurosurgeon tomorrow and I hope he says I can return to work.
Me this morning at work.
Scary eh!!!

You know Sam, I thought I knew what you looked like ... but whoa, I was wrong LOL. You remind me of someone .. I think it's Bill Bixby - not from the "Hulk" era but from the "Courtship of Eddie's Father" era when he was hot :D
Great .. now I have that song stuck in my head ...

"... People let me tell you 'bout my best friend, he's a warm-hearted person who'll love me til the end ... "