why so serious?


100% Pure Canadian Beef
this place obviously has gotten way to serious, time to lighten up a little, and get back to the absurd.
So, them sharp boogers, eh?

Actually, the heating season has indirectly started for us already. I leave for work kinda early and often have to engage the car's heater to clear the windows. That dry air really does a number on the sinuses ... and I really hate when you get one of those sharp, dry boogers that jab every time you wiggle your nose. Worse is when that booger has caught a nose hair and tugs it every time too. And of course, you never get those when your nails are long, do ya? So rather than getting a clean pick, you wind up smooshing it around and around until you manage to get it loose enough to blow out. And then it's always so disappointing, coz it's so small, but it felt like a freaking iceberg up there.
I get those nasty dry boogers so much more since I moved to Calgary...so dry here.
I get narsty ones in the morning, just before the allergies kick in and I start sneezing and it all turns into runoff.

....stinkin' fall/spring weeds.....
What I hate is when I get a giant booger that engulfs a nose hair or two. When I pick it out, it rips the nose hair out and causes a sneezing fit.

What's worse for me is when my nose gets so stopped up that no air will pass through it in either direction, so I can't blow my nose and can't suck it all back in... and it decides to drip.
How about when your nose is stuffy and you lie down on your side ... and you can feel it oozing over to one side ... and then the POP as one sinus finally clears
I hate sneezing and making a big mess. It always seems to happen at the most inappropriate times.