Who finished their Christmas shopping?


New Member
Not me :banghead:

Actually, I finished for all the main people I want to buy for. I just have a few "should-I-buy-something-for-them" presents left.
hahaha not even close. I started early but didn't pick up the pace soon enough.
I've been done for a couple of weeks. Of course, for everyone other than Dara my shopping consists of, "Honey, don't forget to pick up something for so and so..."

I know when to defer to an experienced professional. :D
I've bought gifts for some people but need to find out what others want before I can finish.
Well...I did get MrsBish her 'big' gift this year...so I've got a get-out-of-doghouse free card - Tickets to Il Divo :D

We (online) got our kids big gift....I have no clue what I'm getting her.

chcr said:
Of course, for everyone other than Dara my shopping consists of, "Honey, don't forget to pick up something for so and so..."
Ain't married life grand?
i have one gift for my sisters daughter to buy, and i have maybe half a dozen 'stocking stuffer' 2 dollar items to pick up. the rest is done and has been for some time
Plus I have all those ordered-over-the-internet gifts that is lost in the postal system :cuss:

*takes the rare opportunity to correct your grammar*

"... gifts that are lost in the postal system."

I'm sure they'll show up at my house like all the other compound packages :D
I think we're pretty well finished except for a few stocking stuffers. We decided this year to buy only for those we pulled names for and the grab bag gift exchanges we're involved in, with the exception of the compound babies - they all get a little something from us. I hope my mom's gift comes in on time.

I decided to just give my kids cash and a small gift. Sound impersonal to a degree but I know they can all use it and none of them will hold it against me :D
I still have to get a couple of things for my nephews. Other than that, Diane has finished our shopping.
We got presents for:
- My mom
- My sister
- One of my uncles
- Her mom
- Her sister

And that's about it, nothing fancy nor expensive, just a small thing. Total time spent: 2 hours max.