dumbass Air Force 1

There are plenty of good, valid reasons to not like Obama and his policies. Stupid shit like this "two flags" thing only serves to make those reasons look bad because of who's saying it.
I downloaded the photo and zoomed in and what I cannot find is the pole that the second flag is supposed to be flying on. There is a shadow of the real flagpole but that is all. The pixelation is too severe to see very well just what is going on.

I'm gonna chalk this one up to urban legend and patriot mythology until proven otherwise.
I'm not seeing it, and I also work with photoshop on a regular basis. If I could find a higher-resolution image, it would help out a lot, but the "cloned" "flag" doesn't look the same as the original flag. I don't suppose it could be dead vegetation, a wall (the stock picture for comparison is from a different angle taken at a different time of the year).

Or, you can just go to MSN's map service and use "aerial view"...


That one obviously photoshopped too--there are actually no dashed white lines on the ground there. And they forgot to re-add the tourists. Nice touch with the half-staff though.

So..I can count on your support in the next Mayoral race for Longueuil?

You have my word that not one fucker out there will be able to say a bad thing about you ... that I haven't already said first. There won't be a single skeleton in your closet for them to use against you.
There are plenty of good, valid reasons to not like Obama and his policies. Stupid shit like this "two flags" thing only serves to make those reasons look bad because of who's saying it.


it's the stupid, cartoonish, sensationalist national enquirer-level krap that really undermines substantive critiques of obama.
I'd like a look at the real hi-res photo...but simply using the lo-res miniscule photo that this 'Graphic designer' is looking at... he's full of shit.
No, you do NOT clearly see two flags. What you see is one flag and then those buildings in the background. Your "second flag" is not the same shape as the first flag, and your "tip of the third flag" is not shaped like the tip of either of the first two shapes.

The reference photo they showed for comparison, in which you can't see those buildings in the background, was taken from a different angle and taken at a time when the vegetation is better filled in and more lush. I conveniently provided a bird's-eye view image from MSN's map service, which allows you to look at it from the north, east, south and west. The view I posted is looking at it from the east, while both Obama's picture and the stock photo are generally south.

Let me see if I can make it more clear with images.

1. The flag.
2. Building in the background.
3. Smaller building in the background.
4. Shadow of the flagpole. Notice you don't see a second flagpole.

I've attached both the blow-up of the Obama picture (further blown up another 300 percent) as well as the MSN bird's-eye view, with the same places outlined with the same numbers.

If this doesn't convince you, then I don't know what to tell you other than this stupid shit is making the rest of the GOP look bad and that's the last thing the GOP needs right now.


I mean, really, they needlessly spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, needlessly spook a bunch of New Yorkers, totally flub up the whole situation, and yet a photoshop job no one actually did, nor would there be any reason to, is getting this much attention.
I mean, really, they needlessly spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, needlessly spook a bunch of New Yorkers, totally flub up the whole situation, and yet a photoshop job no one actually did, nor would there be any reason to, is getting this much attention.
It's Dijongate all over again.
Nice job on the pics.

I stilll wish that I had the HiRes image...it'd make a nice desktop background.
I believe you are correct: those are parts of buildings and their roofs showing through the foliage. (being surprisingly thick already in that last week of April) ;)

Still, it is an unusual looking photo: A big bright plane above a little dark Lady Liberty sort of belies the idea that that it was supposed to be used as an iconic portrait.

Especially when you consider the photo was taken by a pilot in one of the F-16s. Can you put those jets on auto-pilot when it's flying slow and low to snap a pic? Or did he use his cell phone camera? I still say something was up with that whole episode. Particularly when you watch videos of it floating through the city.

They probably used a hig-def video camera or a camera that can take x-pictures/second to take the pictures...perhaps even a robotic camera on the outside (a cupola) to take the pics. The image doesn't look like one taken through a cockpit window. Likely close-cropped.

If/when the image gets used in advertising..someone will have taken it into Photoshop to clean up the image for details' sake...like pretty much any photo out there.
You know Cerise since I am such a crazy evil "librul", the white house often sends me copies of internal memos and I wrote an email inquiring about this and they told me this whole thing was a stunt to stir the pot at Off Topic Central, especially to rattle the cage of that "right wing wacko Cerise". So you should feel flattered it was all for you!
They flew thew thing below the torch, and the come back with that crap.
sad, just sad is all, 'cause we know that money got blown away with no hope of return.