First state sovereignty declarations, now this.

Let's have a contest then. Since I have the "little gun", I'll shoot you in the head then you can show me how bad ass your hand cannon is. Sound good?
OK, you two take positions on the street with your little pistols, I'll take position in an undisclosed window overlooking your positions with this...
Let's have a contest then. Since I have the "little gun", I'll shoot you in the head then you can show me how bad ass your hand cannon is. Sound good?

considering your level of knowledge on the topic, and that your level of skill likely corresponds to that knowledge, i don't really think that would be a contest you want to get into ummmkay?

but if you really want, why don't you hop on a ferry and come on over to this side of the water, and we can go to a range, and we'll see who can shoot better? if you even hit paper, i'll buy you a soda.

you also might wanna tone down your language there, you're kinda sounding a bit menacing.
Actually I shoot quite well. Why in the hell people make such assumptions is beyond me. It also always strikes me as silly why Americans, (although it's not a wholly American thing) seem to think you need a back hoe to dig a small hole that only really requires a shovel. A .22 is very light, no recoil, and quite accurate and deadly for the applications I would need a gun for. So carry a .50 caliber Desert Eagle if you must. I like simplicity and subtlety better myself. Also the ability to carry it in a pants pocket was always a selling point for me.
Actually I shoot quite well. Why in the hell people make such assumptions is beyond me. It also always strikes me as silly why Americans, (although it's not a wholly American thing) seem to think you need a back hoe to dig a small hole that only really requires a shovel. A .22 is very light, no recoil, and quite accurate and deadly for the applications I would need a gun for. So carry a .50 caliber Desert Eagle if you must. I like simplicity and subtlety better myself. Also the ability to carry it in a pants pocket was always a selling point for me.
I have a back hoe... and a John Deere skid steer... and guns... lots and lots of guns. :)
Actually I shoot quite well. Why in the hell people make such assumptions is beyond me. It also always strikes me as silly why Americans, (although it's not a wholly American thing) seem to think you need a back hoe to dig a small hole that only really requires a shovel. A .22 is very light, no recoil, and quite accurate and deadly for the applications I would need a gun for. So carry a .50 caliber Desert Eagle if you must. I like simplicity and subtlety better myself. Also the ability to carry it in a pants pocket was always a selling point for me.

wow, that's cool. it's good that at least some folks can be like james bond. if you can get someone right between the eyes every time, you must be one hell of a pistolero, umspecially with somebody running at you and shit.

the more i hear from you the more i am convinced that you know exactly what you are talking about. i'm sure peel will back me up on that. right, jim? what would ya say? .22lr in defensive snap shooting situation? or maybe our boy is an assassin, and his needs are more, uh, refined, and exotic.

I like lots of power in small packages. they will stop anything and can be concealed very easily.

The Federal government will fail in court. The Constitution is the Constitution. The only way to change that is to actually change The Constitution.

All that means is that you get it. The people who don't seem to get it are the legislators we keep sending to DC.
The Supreme Court ruled, in the Scott case, that slavery was legal....only to overturn itself later.

The worst case in US history Marbury vs Madison when the Supreme Court ruled itself the final arbiter.

There have, however, been several rulings by the SCotUS in which they have ruled against the US in cases respecting state's powers.
wow, that's cool. it's good that at least some folks can be like james bond. if you can get someone right between the eyes every time, you must be one hell of a pistolero, umspecially with somebody running at you and shit.

the more i hear from you the more i am convinced that you know exactly what you are talking about. i'm sure peel will back me up on that. right, jim? what would ya say? .22lr in defensive snap shooting situation? or maybe our boy is an assassin, and his needs are more, uh, refined, and exotic.


he's right on this one Minkey. Professional hitmen use the .22 because of several reasons.

It is subsonic so it can be easily silenced. The Moussad make a very effective disposable silencer from a length of PVC pipe, a compression spring, and a bunch of 1/4" washers.

The .22, if fired into the cranium, does not usually exit. It bounces off the skull and rocochets around in the cranium turning the brian into Jello.

When fired into the body, the same thing occurs. The round ricochets off of the bones and wound other organs.

In one case, a victim was shot at an upward angle with a .22 which hit the kidney, bounced off of the ribcage, penetrating the lung, ricocheted off of the clavicle penetrating both lungs before coming to rest in the abdominal cavity.
he's right on this one Minkey. Professional hitmen use the .22 because of several reasons.

or maybe our boy is an assassin, and his needs are more, uh, refined, and exotic.


okay. well let me know when he gets recruited by mossad. who would not be caught dead using that particular low grade S+W plinker.

BTW that .22 bouncing around in the skull thing is considered by many a hoax perpetrated upon gullible know-it-alls.
The Federal government will fail in court. The Constitution is the Constitution. The only way to change that is to actually change The Constitution.


Ever hear the term "activist judge". It's simple. You appoint a socialist judge like...oh, I don't know... let's pick one at random....Ginsberg. Now when you want to confiscate private property to give to your best campaign contributer, you can use the eminent domain clause. If the owners object and point out that is says land can be taken "for the public USE", Ruthy will back you up and say that the founding fathers meant "for the public GOOD", which can and does mean anything they want it to mean. All this without even batting an eye. You get your kick back, the developer gets his land, Ruthy advances against the evils of private property, and the land owners learn their lesson about who owns whom.

Then there is a case from the '30s where a farmer was growing his own wheat from his own field for his own consumption. The SCotUS ruled that his activity was covered under the interstate commerce clause and that he therefore violated federal law regulating wheat production.

I truly wish you were right, but it just isn't the way it works anymore.
okay. well let me know when he gets recruited by mossad. who would not be caught dead using that particular low grade S+W plinker.

In the case of a shootout, you are, of course correct. Your weapon would likely open a wound channel in him that would, if the round remained in the body, throw him off balance permitting him only one shot which, unfortunately, would likely kill you as well if placed correctly.

The key in all of this is shot placement, not just hitting the target.

If either of you need a second I am available. :wink:

BTW that .22 bouncing around in the skull thing is considered by many a hoax perpetrated upon gullible know-it-alls.

You will have to try that out and get back to me on that.

My brother-in-law was a South Gate, CA detective who was out at a bar one night with some friends. He went to the can and there was this drug dealer who recognized him so he took out a .22 and shot him just ahead of his ear. The bullet struck the upper jaw bone, traveled under the skin hitting the bone above his upper teeth and went upward. The doctors at the hospital removed the bullet from his left nostril where it had lodged.

yes jim. there are many documented cased where .22 rounds have been deflected AROUND the edges of the skull.

so your brother in law makes you EXPERIENCED? hmmm sounds kinda vicarious to me.