First state sovereignty declarations, now this.

tell that to the Mexicans ;P
Meh... I don't consider Mexicans to be "riff raff". The ones I see come here with nothing, work their ass off, and live a clean life. I know there are problems elsewhere but I have no disrespect for folks who are looking to better their lives. I just wish there was an easier, corruption-free way for these folks to work here without fear and allow them to pay their share of the taxes.
Who "they"?
Bowser and Blue - musical comedians...heavy on the political commentary and the social foibles. I was actually looking for a video of "Where have you gone, oh Rhea" for Winky's sake...but I found that one instead. :D
Yes again. I still don't have an answer, do I? I knew I'd asked it here before, but I wasn't sure if that wasn't during the time you'd left for PiL.
"Every time I think that I get out, they drag me back in"

Oddly enough..I remember hearing "Beers is not enough", but can't find a google hit on it at all...except for your post of 2 years ago :D
oh jim i knew it was only a matter of time before fackler surfaced. of course there's nothing that addresses this directly in there, but it does have some interesting infos.

"secondary tracks due to bone and bullet fragments." sure. which direction are the tracks in? are the bone fragments from the skull entrance? you're still not settling the hollywood assassin myth of "bouncing around turning the brain to jello." you see secondary bone and fragment tracks all over the goddamned place with cannelured 5.56mm but it don't bounce around the brains.

so, if you pay the usual $35 bucks or so for the full article, be sure to sleaze me a copy gratis.

Strange things happen when headshots are involved.

Miss. woman gets shot in head, makes tea
Woman with a bullet through her brain offers deputy something to drink

updated 7:30 a.m. MT, Sat., April 18, 2009

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - A Mississippi woman who was shot in the head not only survived but made herself tea and offered an astonished deputy something to drink, authorities said Friday.

Tammy Sexton, 47, remained hospitalized three days after being wounded by her husband, who killed himself after he shot his wife. She is expected to fully recover.

"There's no way she should be alive other than a miracle from God," said Sheriff Mike Byrd of Jackson County, Miss.

From an unattributed source ...

The slug from a .380-caliber handgun struck Tammy Sexton squarely in the forehead, passed through her skull and exited through the back of her head, Byrd said. A deputy arrived within minutes and was greeted by the woman.

. . .

Byrd said the bullet apparently passed through the lobes of the woman's brain without causing major damage. She was rushed to a Mobile hospital by a helicopter. . . . "It's bizarre. You just don't hear of something like this. Somebody gets shot in the head and they're dead," Byrd said.
I know! I wish I could take a shit in the morning without having to walk through the crossfire of yet another shootout between two drug dealers! Everywhere I go... wanted to get a crunchwrap supreme at Taco Bell but the two drug dealers in line in front of me started shooting up the joint... tried to get a haircut at SuperCuts but the two drug dealers in the waiting area started shooting at each other... opened the fridge to get some orange juice this morning and these two drug dealers hopped out and started shooting at each other... turned the valve on the faucet to wash my hands and out came these two drug dealers who started shooting at each other...

I hate when that happens
The only way to defend against stereotypes is with stereotypes.

*Sorry...typed fast. My igloo is melting and shorting out my computer, not to mention what it's doing to my pot grow-op. At this rate, I'll be late for that gay-wedding this afternoon and the "We love communism" rally after supper.

Nice thread...what's it aboot anyway, eh?

Igloos are the Alaskan stereotype. The stereotypical Canadian ends every sentence with "eh?" and drinks lots of Canadian beer, obsesses over hockey, sews red maple leaves on his luggage and takes every opportunity to let everyone around him know he's not from the United States.
and takes every opportunity to let everyone around him know he's not from the United States.

well come on, they have to construct an identity somehow. they can't just be america's slow cousin that became independent through no action of their own. heh... no action... canada... passive canadian men... it all makes sense somehow...
Bowser and Blue - musical comedians...heavy on the political commentary and the social foibles. I was actually looking for a video of "Where have you gone, oh Rhea" for Winky's sake...but I found that one instead. :D
I've never heard of them. They must be famous in Canada, but not here. Funny though. :D
Igloos are the Alaskan stereotype. The stereotypical Canadian ends every sentence with "eh?" and drinks lots of Canadian beer, obsesses over hockey, sews red maple leaves on his luggage and takes every opportunity to let everyone around him know he's not from the United States.
Huh? You confuse me! I read Bish's posts imagining him with a Canadian beer in one hand while he types with the other, wearing a hockey shirt and a hat with a red maple leaf on it, and mentally end each sentence with "eh", even though its not typed in the post. ;)