So how much will Obama's 35mpg diktat actually cost?

Offshore Oil Suffers From Obama Restrictions on New Drilling

This should raise the price of a barrel of oil.

"If we don't increase our own oil production in the U.S., our dependence on foreign oil won't go down," said Marathon Oil executive Woody Pace.

"We all have hope for green energy, but it is going to take time — and in the meantime, oil and natural gas will have to be the bridge to the energy future," says Cathy Landry, a spokeswoman for the American Petroleum Institute.

Congress lifted its 27-year moratorium on drilling off Florida and the East and West Coast last year, but billions of barrels of that oil remains untouched and off-limits because the Obama administration has postponed development there.

The Obama administration favors green energy and provides generous tax subsidies to wind and solar. By contrast, this week the oil industry complained that Obama proposed hiking their taxes by $70 billion over 5 years, including a $122 million on leases the administration considers non-producing.

"If you penalize oil and gas, and add taxes, it is going to make it much more difficult and more expensive. That means U.S. jobs are exported and we won't get the revenues from royalties," said Landry.

Oil executives fear the lesson of $5-a-gallon gasoline is lost, and that American consumers will pay the price, vulnerable to shortages in the short term and a continued dependence on foreign oil for decades to come.
Which changes my statement, how?

There was this part ... "so people will continue to buy the gas guzzlers until the prices go up to over $3.00 a gallon again."

I will keep my gas guzzler regardless of the cost. I won't be inclined to buy a non-gas guzzler regardless of the cost.
What are you predicting? Should be interesting. I likely already know most of what you will answer. Always game to learn more, though.

So you are psychic too eh?

Actually, I think everyone should drive the biggest gas guzzlers they can find. The lower the MPG the better. Use up all the petroleum faster. Would solve quite a few problems at once. Tank up. Go for a long drive. You'll be helping humanity in the long run.
So you are psychic too eh?

No. Just well read. I already know of some proposals that are being hoisted like mileage taxes, tax-as-you-drive taxes, fixed rate gas prices based on sliding scale taxes, etc. Just wondered if you had anything to add. Apparently not judging by your post. Probably shoulda known better. Libs always attack the person instead of the premise, proposal, or idea.

Actually, I think everyone should drive the biggest gas guzzlers they can find. The lower the MPG the better. Use up all the petroleum faster. Would solve quite a few problems at once. Tank up. Go for a long drive. You'll be helping humanity in the long run.

If I wanted wise-ass answers I'd ask Spike.

Petroleum is King and every prediction of its "running out" or "depleting" have long since gone by the wayside; and the oil still flows unabated.

There is some evidence that the process of oil creation is ongoing instead of the idea that it is infinite in supply. I guess if that proves true, it would really tweak you enviro types, eh? You would lose one of your biggest debating points on oil. "We're gonna run out!"

Look up "Abiogenic petroleum" and "The Deep Hot Biosphere", Thomas Gold, 1999, Springer, ISBN 0387952535. You better hope that Gold is wrong -- very wrong.
All I was doing was wishing you luck on being able to continue to afford the type of vehicle you prefer and you become presumptuous about what I will answer and call me a liberal wise ass enviro type.

Take your own advise and attack the idea instead of the person.

*wonders why he took jimmy off ignore*
As discussed in my new book Green Hell, the only way for carmakers to meet these standard is to make smaller, lighter and deadlier cars.

So making smaller engines with higher compression ratios and better technology to get similar power and better mileage than current engines is not a way to meet those standards?
So making smaller engines with higher compression ratios and better technology to get similar power and better mileage than current engines is not a way to meet those standards?
Shh... anyone who sin't driving an oversized 4x4 or a pickup is a pussy and any GVT that says that it's a good idea to save on gas, is a commupussy for even bringing it up.
Shh... anyone who sin't driving an oversized 4x4 or a pickup is a pussy and any GVT that says that it's a good idea to save on gas, is a commupussy for even bringing it up.

Notice how the lefty is incapable of not twisting what's said into what he wants to hate. Bish, the problem has never been the gov't saying that it's a good idea to save gas. Legislating it is the issue, always has been.

Do try to pay attention, there's a good chap.
So making smaller engines with higher compression ratios and better technology to get similar power and better mileage than current engines is not a way to meet those standards?

It's relatively easy to meet the standards...assuming you're willing to lower the safety factor. If you want safety, well, it ain't sso easy now. A 80,000lb tractor-trailer combination vs whatever it Winky posted a few posts back, guess who will ALWAYS win.
An 80k lbs tractor-trailer vs anything other than another 80k lb tractor-trailer will result in a loss. Your 4x4 isn't going to fare any better than that Suzuki whatever Winky posted.
I would purchase a "Suzuki whatever Winky posted" kei car tomorrow
if they weren't illegal in this country.

As for not getting run down by a semi let me worry about that,
guess what? They aren’t that hard to see! heh heh

There is a grocery store chain here that caters exclusively to illegal’s.
One day I saw a car in the parking lot and was all like Dang that's a cute car.
Turns out in addition to not having to be citizens, not needing drivers licenses’
or car insurance they can drive illegal cars with foreign plates in this country.

I would buy one in a hot second if I could but alas
I am a law abiding an American.

Gimme high MPG or gimme death!

2005 Ford Ka
An 80k lbs tractor-trailer vs anything other than another 80k lb tractor-trailer will result in a loss. Your 4x4 isn't going to fare any better than that Suzuki whatever Winky posted.

You have the opportunity to live through it with a big car/SUV. Not so with one of those.
By the way, 35 MPG's AIN'T good mileage.
If it ain't 60+ it ain't shitte!

Hell before we put a half-black community organizer named Hussein in charge
of car production mebbe we should let the Japanese run it?