9-12 Project/Tea Party Express

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I've said it before. The biggest thing Americans need to be wary of today is Shepherding. Let them smell the wolf ... then offer them a leader, then stampede them and your appointed leader takes them where you want them to go. Even if that leader has the best of intentions, he may be taking the herd to a box canyon.

The problem is that america is made up of too damn many followers.

So far Spike has credited both Stormfront and FreedomWorks for the 912 march. Freedomworks said they expected 20,000-30,000 people. Stormfront, say all ~72 members showed up ......so how do we account for the other ~1,786,678 people that just showed up of their own accord on their own dime?

After reading literally thousands of signs and reviewing near as many photos from the 912 rally its my bet that: These people cross the dem/con party lines, that small groups and individuals comprised the vast majority. That the message was not singular but as varied as the American Citizen.

What is happening now is like watching a flock starlings, poetry in motion. -- Its beautiful.

Really? How long are the mods here going to let this idiot make blatant unprovoked personal attacks while adding zero to the discussion?

He's repeatedly proven himself to be incapable of any coherent rational thought and he only trolls time after time.


Wow, isn't calling me an idiot a personal attack or something?

I could have sworn it was smilycon? :confused:
So far Spike has credited both Stormfront and FreedomWorks for the 912 march. Freedomworks said they expected 20,000-30,000 people. Stormfront, say all ~72 members showed up ......so how do we account for the other ~1,786,678 people that just showed up of their own accord on their own dime?

Oh you still think almost 2 million showed up? That was a big lie. Even the lobbyist group that organized the even doesn't claim that many people now.
I don't recall saying anything about Fox News Producer Caught Rallying the Crowds During the 9/12 Protests. Seems like another straw man.

For it to be a straw man I would have had to accuse you of saying something about a Fox News producer. I didn't.

If you were insinuating that I did say that you said anything about a Fox News producer you would be adding another Straw Man.

I love how the point in all these threads gets totally ignored in favour of bi-partisan nitpicking. Good thing you guys don't have a third major party or you'd spend all your time looking at your own tails.
I love how the point in all these threads gets totally ignored in favour of bi-partisan nitpicking. Good thing you guys don't have a third major party or you'd spend all your time looking at your own tails.
Partisan? Naw, Spike here is a 912-Truther claiming that the white supremest lobby manufactured the astroturf event claiming it wasn't 4% of what it was.

My point is that it was real, that it there was no single entity that can claim even 5% of the responsibility. That by far the largest majority of people who attended did so of their own accord. That a heavy portion of the people who protested were suffering from voters remorse.

Its OK, I know spike will never be able get past his 800x600 8bit world. Its funny becuase there is no stopping it, everyday more people are seeing the truth about the ObamaNation.

Thank you FoxNews!
whenever I see some person with a sign, that makes that person Really look bad,
like that little spelling error, it makes me suspect a plant.
whenever I see some person with a sign, that makes that person Really look bad, like that little spelling error, it makes me suspect a plant.

It gives me the impression the individual is someone who has little tougher time making it thru life. While it is funny, it by no means lessens their value as a person or their will to speak their mind.

....Oh, and "schoochildren"
Partisan? Naw, Spike here is a 912-Truther claiming that the white supremest lobby manufactured the astroturf event claiming it wasn't 4% of what it was.

See, you made that up. That is a straw man.

My point is that it was real, that it there was no single entity that can claim even 5% of the responsibility.

Then you have no point as it was clearly sponsored by a lobbyist group even some of the signs were made by lobbyist groups. So sponsored by lobbyist groups and then promoted by Fox and Beck.

I know you're in denial here but there's really not much to deny.

So Freedomworks says that 20,000 people are expected and ~1.7 milion show up.

I know this guy; he organized +60 people to go, he owns a restaurant. He must be responsible for organizing the event also.

...but I could have sworn you claimed it is white supremest who organized it.

The fact is: you can't understand any "facts" not pre-categorized and organized for the purpose making leftist arguments online.

Believe what you want. I could honestly careless what some bigoted-hypocrite thinks, who, makes fun of illiterate and uneducated people who are trying.

You make me sick, psychophant.
So Freedomworks says that 20,000 people are expected and ~1.7 milion show up.

No, 60-70k. Also pay attention to the second sentence below. ;)

"approximately 60,000 to 70,000 people flooded Pennsylvania Ave, according to the Washington DC Fire Department.

Organized by FreedomWorks, a conservative activist group led by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey"


...but I could have sworn you claimed it is white supremest who organized it.

I never said that. That would be a Straw Man. A common thing you resort to when yo have no argument.

The fact is: you can't understand any "facts" not pre-categorized and organized for the purpose making leftist arguments online.

This is just childish trolling. A common thing you resort to when you have no argument.

You make me sick, psychophant.

This is just childish name calling. Another thing your type resorts to when you have no argument.

But hey, you go support those lobbyists.

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