Why "We brake for moose" is a reasonable idea


Well-Known Member
By the length of his beard and the grey legs, I figure he must be over 10 years old.
He looks to be well over 8 feet at the top of the shoulder hump,

and with his head up the height to the top of his antler must be about 12 feet.
This guy is king of the forest, no bear or pack of wolves would dare come after him when he has this rack......
Considering that a dirt road can fit 1 1/2 cars across ... this fellow is HUGE ...THIS IS ONE BIG BOY!


Yes it is a regular size dirt road.
I passed one up near our lake that my Colt would have passed under without touching. The antenna wold have tickled it's belly but that's about it. The trouble is .. they're so brown they're harder to see than if they were black.

Man, if only you could saddle that sucker up! --- WheeHa!
I wonder if they will ever wander down this way. Coyotes, wolves, deer and wild turkeys are all back in large numbers. The area might be able to support a few moose and/or bears.
Would be cool to see one but only from a very safe distance.
I've seen many Moose. At least one from a very UNsafe distance (about 6' away on a snowmobile...probably still WAY too close). I still continue to be amazed at how majestic they are.
Damn he is huge. I saw a female moose once by the side the side of the road. Nowhere near as big as that one.
That's a big'un.

Did he taste good?

Not my pic...and buddy didn't take a shot. Picture taken from a car.

Personally...even if I was the hunting type, I'd have let him go.
Not for fear of missing, or of getting hurt if I only managed to piss it off, but rather because it would be a shame to kill something that's that impressive.

besides..at that age, he's likely gamey and tough.
I don't think it's real. I received the exact photos and exact message as a forward from a friend in Hamilton yesterday. I think it's photo shopped.
If so, it's a pretty good photoshop.

In researching on the internet, what I'm finding is that the footpath is only four or five feet wide, which makes that moose a pretty good size but not giant.
I'm seeing a double path consistent with 4 wheeled vehicular traffic, maybe just golf cats who knows ... but not a single walking path.

If its shoop-do-whop, its a damn good one. Even the right front foot placement in the first photo is consistent with the back right placement in the second. (per how them thar critters step)
Ok so maybe not shopped...but the path definitely isn't as wide as the email claims. It's a large moose...but not a GIANT moose (as moose go).
By the length of his beard and the grey legs, I figure he must be over 10 years old.
He looks to be well over 8 feet at the top of the shoulder hump,

and with his head up the height to the top of his antler must be about 12 feet.
This guy is king of the forest, no bear or pack of wolves would dare come after him when he has this rack......
Considering that a dirt road can fit 1 1/2 cars across ... this fellow is HUGE ...THIS IS ONE BIG BOY!


Yes it is a regular size dirt road.

mr B, did you take that pic?

That's a biggun alright
looks the size of a dumptruck.

Not my pic...and buddy didn't take a shot. Picture taken from a car.

Personally...even if I was the hunting type, I'd have let him go.
Not for fear of missing, or of getting hurt if I only managed to piss it off, but rather because it would be a shame to kill something that's that impressive.

besides..at that age, he's likely gamey and tough.

so did you, or didn't you, personally see this thing, or is this just gossup?