While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks away".


Well-Known Member
Good to know that our president is as fastidious about his troop decisions as he is about showing up to meetings on time. He said he would wait for the Afghan election results; and now that Karzai has been swept into power by the withdrawal of Abdulah Abdulah he continues to wait. Was there no thought of a strategy based on the outcome; or was that strategy meeting to take place only after the results were in?

Perhaps he sees himself as Vivien Leigh from "Gone With the Wind". "Oh, well, I'll worry about that tomorrow."



- November 01, 2009
White House: Afghan Troop Decision Weeks Away, Muddled Runoff Will Not Alter Review

White House advisers say that former Afghan Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah's withdrawal from next weekend's election won't complicate President Obama's evolving war plan.

WASHINGTON -- President Obama is still weeks away from deciding whether to send more troops to Afghanistan, the White House said Sunday amid pressure from lawmakers to settle on a war strategy despite muddled politics and concerns of corruption in Kabul.

Top White House advisers said Obama's painstaking review, ongoing since early September, would not be hampered by Sunday's announcement from the top challenger in the Afghan presidential runoff election that he would withdraw from a race he was likely to lose.

"I expect the president will make a decision within weeks," senior Obama adviser David Axelrod said. "As you know, he has gone through a very rigorous process because the goal here is not just to make an arithmetic judgment about the number of troops, but to make sure that we have the right strategy."

Axelrod said former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah's decision to withdraw means that Afghan President Hamid Karzai all but certainly will remain in power.

"We are going to deal with the government that is there," Axelrod said. "And obviously there are issues we need to discuss, such as reducing the high level of corruption. These are issues we'll take up with President Karzai."

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, traveling in Morocco, said the U.S. will support the next president and the people of Afghanistan, "who seek and deserve a better future."

She said in a statement that Abdullah ran "a dignified and constructive campaign" that won the backing of many in his country. "It is now a matter for the Afghan authorities to decide on a way ahead that brings this electoral process to a conclusion in line with the Afghan constitution," according to a statement released by the State Department.

The runoff was scheduled in wake of widespread claims of election fraud from the August vote.

The Obama administration had planned to wait until after the runoff before deciding whether to continue targeting the Taliban in Afghanistan with more U.S. forces or focus on eliminating al-Qaida and other terrorists with unmanned spy planes in Pakistan.

Before Obama left the White House to campaign for Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine in New Jersey on Sunday, he spoke with his national security adviser by telephone. White House spokesman Ben LaBolt told reporters aboard Air Force One that Jim Jones updated Obama on the situation in Afghanistan and that Jones had spoken with the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Karl Eikenberry.

About 68,000 American troops already have been ordered to report to Afghanistan by the end of the year.

The top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal, wants the Pentagon to send him an additional 40,000 troops to prevent the Taliban from letting Al Qaeda once again use Afghanistan as a haven -- as it was in the days leading up to the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

Faced with growing troop deaths and bloody fighting in the 8-year war, the White House has signaled it likely will send over more forces -- but likely far fewer than what McChrystal wants.

Lawmakers called on Obama to decide on a war strategy, saying the continued impasse has put U.S. troops in danger.

"The longer this decision hangs, the more jeopardy and the more danger our troops on the ground there are in the middle of," said House Republican leader John Boehner, R-Ohio. "I would hope the president would make a decision and make it soon."

Sen. Joe Lieberman, the Connecticut independent, called anew for Obama to heed McChrystal's request for additional forces.

"It's time to send more help," Lieberman said.

Once a Democrat, the hawkish Lieberman said the Obama administration needs to start working with Karzai, whom he praised.

"I think it's time for us to stop beating up on President Karzai and start building up President Karzai and his government to be the government we need," Lieberman said. "Because they're not the enemy. The enemy is the Taliban."

A runoff would have given Karzai more credibility as Afghanistan's legitimate leader -- not only within his own country, but also with U.S. and other western allies who have staked a huge interest in the fate of the region and its stability. By not being able to run in -- and win -- the runoff, Karzai may remain in a shadow after collecting 48 percent of the vote in the August elections.

Valerie Jarrett, another senior White House adviser, said the aborted runoff would not "complicate" Obama's strategy decision. She did not mention Karzai specifically.

"It's up to the Afghan people and their authorities to decide how to proceed going forward," Jarrett said. "We watched the election very carefully. And we're going to work with the leader of the Afghan government and hopefully that's going to improve the state of conditions for the people in Afghanistan, and also help us as we try to bring this war to a close."

Axelrod and Lieberman spoke on CBS' "Face the Nation." Jarrett appeared on ABC's "This Week" and Boehner was on CNN's "State of the Union."
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

meh, he's got plenty of time.
All our troops haven't been wiped out yet.
He's probably just waiting to bring them home....in bags.
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

yeah, the clock is ticking, but this still doesn't look nearly as bad as the eight years we spent there with no clear mission.
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

I'll have to agree at this point, but it's going down hill quickly.
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur."
-Barack Obama, ABC News interview July 2009

"I'm not interested in victory but solving the problem."
-Barack Obama answering a reporter's question at the G-20 Summit.
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur."
-Barack Obama, ABC News interview July 2009

"I'm not interested in victory but solving the problem."
-Barack Obama answering a reporter's question at the G-20 Summit.

dupe of cerise's post.

hey man, you have your giant-ass flag-waving victory ceremony - maybe you can strut around on the deck of a carrier under a banner that says "mission accomplished."

i'll take "solving the problem" any day over balloons, bullshit, and bunting.
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw



- November 02, 2009
Boehner: Obama Is Out of 'Excuses' in Delaying Afghanistan Troop Decision

Now Abdullah Abdullah has dropped out of the Afghan presidential race, handing the election over to Hamid Karzai for another five-year term, lawmakers are urging President Obama to finalize his overhaul of America's war strategy.

President Obama has run out of "excuses" for delaying a decision on whether to send more U.S. troops to Afghanistan, House Minority Leader John Boehner said Monday after Afghan President Hamid Karzai was declared the winner of his nation's presidential election by default.

Obama administration officials had suggested that a decision on American troop levels should be withheld until Afghanistan's runoff election was over. But now that Karzai's challenger, Abdullah Abdullah, has dropped out of the race and handed the election over to Karzai for another five-year term, lawmakers are urging the U.S. president to finalize his overhaul of America's war strategy.

"Now that it is clear that President Karzai will remain in office, the White House has no further pretext for delaying the decision on giving General McChrystal the resources he needs to achieve our goals in Afghanistan," Boehner said in a statement Monday. "There are no more excuses."

Though a fizzled runoff in Afghanistan was not the outcome the White House wanted, administration officials held to their slow-and-steady approach to reviewing war policy when questioned about Abdullah's exit on Sunday. Senior Adviser David Axelrod said Obama would make a decision "within weeks," and White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday that a strategy decision will be made in the "coming weeks."

Advisers said the review would not be altered by the latest twist in Afghanistan's election process, which has been marred by widespread allegations of fraud since the first election in August.

But even some Democratic lawmakers said Monday it's time to bring the decision-making to a close.

Rep. Joe Sestak, D-Pa., who sits on the House Armed Services Committee, applauded Obama for taking a deliberative approach to the strategy review, but he said it's time for the president to wrap up the process.

Sestak told FoxNews.com the collapse of the runoff only demonstrated how wrong-headed it was for anyone to tie the strategy to the credibility of the central government in Kabul. He said the administration may have put itself in a bit of a bind by making the connection and could have a harder time selling to the public any increase in U.S. troops.

"How credible is the partner who is now the de facto winner? And we know. He is not credible," Sestak said. "They placed themselves in a slight dilemma here."

Obama has run up against prominent members of his party who are calling for a de-escalation of the war in Afghanistan and would surely balk at providing more troops following a muddled national election.

But Sestak said he hopes the administration ultimately develops a plan that provides a "measure increased" in troops, though not the full 40,000 Gen. Stanley McChrystal is looking for, and a sustained focus on taking out Al Qaeda in Pakistan.

Rep. Ike Skelton, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said in a statement that despite the uncertainty and flaws of the Afghan election, "We now have an outcome and can begin to move forward."

"I continue to believe that General McChrystal's counterinsurgency plan is the right approach," he said. "The recent flawed election process has reinforced the need to also push for the reform of the national Afghan government, to increase legitimacy and help build a capable partner for our efforts in Afghanistan."

Axelrod spoke on CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday.

FoxNews.com's Judson Berger contributed to this report.
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

dupe of cerise's post.

Not quite correct.

The first use of the July 2009 Obama quote was HERE by me. A search of the word "Hirohito" by Cerise over the last six month period, which would include July 2009, returns no results.
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

man, it still tares me up that Boehner voted for that first bailout.
(even after he teared up)

I really liked him, but it'll take yet a while for me personally to have any trust in him.
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

Mink C'mon yer starting to sound like Spike!

Boosh's handling of the AF-Pak theatre was perfect.
He didn’t try to accomplish much other than killin’ the bad guys.
He kept it off the radar and let folks focus on Iraq, a place
where we can give the appearance of victory.

The failure of deathcare, what will be purported to be failure
in Afghanistan and the shambles that passes for an economy
will be Hussein Osama Obama’s undoing.

Starting in 2010 when our side wins every seat up for election
and ousts this Commie radical President in 2012
then things will be back to something more to your liking.

Republicans wrestling with intractable problems
and yous guys whining from the sidelines.
Just like it should be ;)

There is no victory in Af-Pak, only trying to keep the terrorists
from taking over the place like they did before.

Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

yeah, the clock is ticking, but this still doesn't look nearly as bad as the eight years we spent there with no clear mission.

The trouble began, in earnest, after he was elected. That's when the Taliban knew that Osama was right...
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

Osama only knocked done two buildings, damaged a third.
Obama (Osama Hussein) will kill the whole country.
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

The trouble began, in earnest, after he was elected. That's when the Taliban knew that Osama was right...

The trouble began when Bush invaded Iraq instead of addressing who attacked us. That's when they knew Osama was right.

Bush dithered on Afghanistan until the people we're fighting there really have no relation to those who attacked us.
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

no, the trouble started when bush decided to start nation building, then got worse when he abandoned the basic free market principles.
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

The trouble began when Bush invaded Iraq instead of addressing who attacked us. That's when they knew Osama was right.

No, it was BJ Clintoon's fault.

His administration:

1. Did not follow-up on the attempted bombing of Aden marines in Yemen.

2. Shut the CIA out of the 1993 WTC bombing investigation, hamstringing their effort to capture bin Laden.

3. Had Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, a key bin Laden lieutenant, slip through their fingers in Qatar.

4. Did not militarily react to the al Qaeda bombing in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

5. Did not accept the Sudanese offer to turn bin Laden in.

6. Did not follow-up on another offer from Sudan through a private back channel.

7. Objected to Northern Alliance efforts to assassinate bin Laden in Afghanistan.

8. Decided against using special forces to take down bin Laden in Afghanistan.

9. Did not take an opportunity to take into custody two al Qaeda operatives involved in the East African embassy bombings. In another little scoop, I am able to show that Sudan arrested these two terrorists and offered them to the FBI. The Clinton administration declined to pick them up and they were later allowed to return to Pakistan.

10. Ordered an ineffectual, token missile strike against a Sudanese pharmaceutical factory.

11. Clumsily tipped off Pakistani officials sympathetic to bin Laden before a planned missile strike against bin Laden on August 20, 1998. Bin Laden left the camp with only minutes to spare.

12-14. Three times, Clinton hesitated or deferred in ordering missile strikes against bin Laden in 1999 and 2000.

15. When they finally launched and armed the Predator spy drone plane, which captured amazing live video images of bin Laden, the Clinton administration no longer had military assets in place to strike the archterrorist.

16. Did not order a retaliatory strike on bin Laden for the murderous attack on the USS Cole.

Bush dithered on Afghanistan until the people we're fighting there really have no relation to those who attacked us.

Bush should've killed without prejudice as many members of the Tollybon as possible, toasted the poppy fields, sewn them with salt, taken their oil, and
closed the door. :shrug:
Re: While American troops dead or wounded daily, Obama's decision on troops "weeks aw

no, the trouble started when bush decided to start nation building,

We can follow the premise set forth by the Marshall Plan & have decades of peace & open trade (see Japan) or we can kick their ass & make them fix it (see WW1 Germany)

then got worse when he abandoned the basic free market principles.

This had nothing to do with the war & all to do with President Bush being a left wing kook.