"I don't want to have to kill this man, but I'll kill him graveyard dead"

There is no politically correct way to defend yourself in an emergency... you do what you have to do.
breaking down the front door = shoot the motherfucker. quit reaching for straws bish.

the police? wait for the police? WHAT? is the police response time in montreal less than 60 seconds or something? lemme show you around detroit sometime...

Don't have to reach quite that far... someone at my house at 1am knocking on the front and back door and screaming to get my attention will get asked WTF he's up to and what he wants. IF, he doesn't have a decent answer like my house is on fire or he needs me to dial 911 for him, he'll get a response from the cops when they get there and if, despite all that he tried to get in..he'll get what he got from granny shotgun...period. Zero excuses. *

I have woken people up at 1am before by pounding on their door hard and screaming. Their triplex was on fire. If they'd shot me for my troubles, I'd expect them to go to jail for it...period. Zero excuses.

Montreal averages 6 minutes for cops and less for fire and ambulance.
South of there, where I live, it's even less.

*A hint..people who want to do you harm or want to steal from you will not knock first and try to get your attention
did you "[throw] a table through [their] sliding glass patio door."

i think that's about when she started shooting. seems like a rational response to me.

If Billy Dean Riley had verbally made his intent clear as to why he wanted into her home at 12:30 in the morning instead of pounding on the glass screaming let "me in let me in" and throwing a table through the patio door he'd probably still be alive today. :shrug:

Unless, of course, it was because he meant her harm that he wouldn't tell her.....
Where the hell were the cops?

MrBishop said:
Sounds like

MrBishop said:

MrBishop said:

when you get done defending this piece of crap let us know mkay?

*A hint..people who want to do you harm or want to steal from you will not knock first and try to get your attention

chickenshit cowards who break into homes sometimes like to find out if the house is unoccupied so they can be assured they wont get shot by a 16 gage shotgun too

MrBishop said:
Where the hell were the cops?

doesnt matter. what matters is where they werent

it is not the fault of the cops that this guy is room temperature. it is not the fault of the homeowner that this guy is worm food. the blame rests squarely on the rapidly decomposing shoulders of the guy who jumped a fence evaded a dog and threw furniture through a door to gain entry into a home he had no busness being in. if that upsets your tender sensibilities too bad

i hope she not only escapes any bleeding heart charges but they give her a medal
Their job is to investigate crime, not stop it (unless they get lucky)
un hunh...
their job is to prevent crime through their presence, stop crimes in action and if they can do neither, investigate crime to try and find the culprits.

If it's not their job to stop crime, why bother having 9-1-1 linked to the police?
Why have panic buttons in stores and businesses if it's not the cops' job to go and stop a crime in process?

Whether they can get there in time is a whole other story.
when you get done defending this piece of crap let us know mkay?
Defending him? Nope...breaking her window was a pretty stupid way of getting her attention..even though he never entered. Whether that deserves a death sentence is another story. I'm questionning why she shot to kill first instead of doing something first to avoid having to kill another human being.

chickenshit cowards who break into homes sometimes like to find out if the house is unoccupied so they can be assured they wont get shot by a 16 gage shotgun too
Peaking into a window usually works, as does seeing if the car's in the driveway. Banging and screaming is not a way to help anyone break into a home. It is a way of getting people's attention, including neighbours and the home-owner. Don't be so obtuse.

it is not the fault of the cops that this guy is room temperature. it is not the fault of the homeowner that this guy is worm food. the blame rests squarely on the rapidly decomposing shoulders of the guy who jumped a fence evaded a dog and threw furniture through a door to gain entry into a home he had no busness being in. if that upsets your tender sensibilities too bad
DOnt' blame the cops, then...but holding the homeowner blameless? Not going to happen... where's the warning shot? Where's the verbal warning? None of it... shoot first and never ask any questions. Judge, jury, executioner. Bravo.
i hope she not only escapes any bleeding heart charges but they give her a medal
A medal? For what heroic effort? Shooting through her own door and killing someone? Real heroic.
no she shoulda waited until he was bursting through the door. because her special forces level skills would have given her plenty of time to assess, aim, and fire while he closed the distance between them in less than 1.6 seconds.
un hunh...
their job is to prevent crime through their presence, stop crimes in action and if they can do neither, investigate crime to try and find the culprits.

If it's not their job to stop crime, why bother having 9-1-1 linked to the police?
Why have panic buttons in stores and businesses if it's not the cops' job to go and stop a crime in process?

Whether they can get there in time is a whole other story.

Prevent through their presence. HOw many criminals commit crimes when they know a cop is there? How many wait until the cop has left the area? Lopsided answer?

911 is there to get the ball rolling. Sometimes it works, most often, not.
no she shoulda waited until he was bursting through the door. because her special forces level skills would have given her plenty of time to assess, aim, and fire while he closed the distance between them in less than 1.6 seconds.
Again, you're assuming that he actually
1) Knew that she was there &
2) Actually meant her harm.

A warning shot or even a warning that she'd called the police would've solved both her problems.
How fewer crimes happen because a cop happens to be in the area and the criminals just don't want to take the chance?
un hunh...
their job is to prevent crime through their presence, stop crimes in action and if they can do neither, investigate crime to try and find the culprits.

We've had this discussion before. See below for clarification...

Bish said:
If it's not their job to stop crime, why bother having 9-1-1 linked to the police?
Why have panic buttons in stores and businesses if it's not the cops' job to go and stop a crime in process?

Whether they can get there in time is a whole other story.

If there is no crime going on, then there is no need for the police. The term we like to use is first responder.
A warning shot or even a warning that she'd called the police would've solved both her problems.

yeah, um, everybody here knows how long it takes the cops to get anywhere these days. so nothing there.

warning shot? um, that would be illegal discharge of a firearm in almost any city. we don't have "warning shots" here. you can't intentionally shoot someone in the leg, either. you can only shoot to kill, to stop the threat. the only time using deadly force - or potentially deadly force i.e. shooting of any kind - is legal is when there is imminent danger - threat of death or serious injury - to yourself or another. then you STOP THE THREAT.
Again, you're assuming that he actually
1) Knew that she was there &
2) Actually meant her harm.

A warning shot or even a warning that she'd called the police would've solved both her problems.

Not a good idea if your firearm is a single barrel, single shot model. Now you have a club instead of a firearm, a hole in your house, and the perp still in the house and coming at you.
Any perp still 'in the house' after being fired upon is a waste of genetic materials.

Not that this guy was actually in the house at all. He was still outside when he met his end, 'member? She had to go outside to check on him.

She had 3 in the hole...plenty for a warning shot.