OMG get your survival seeds to prepare for the apocalypse


New Member
Edit: usually I can edit the title if I screw it up. Should be "prepare". :shrug:

Glenn Beck Sponsor Sows Seeds of Fear

(March 9) -- "Crisis" and "garden" are two words that don't normally go together. But this is about Glenn Beck's TV show, where conventional thinking often doesn't apply. His latest advertiser on the Fox News program sells seeds to help people survive impending totalitarianism.

Survival Seed Bank's pitch should be familiar to Beck's viewers -- "Are you worried about the economy?" -- only the product is different. Although the popular program lost sponsors after the host called President Barack Obama a racist, it's held on to those that target people who worry about big government and a financial collapse, such as the gold coin dealer Goldline.

"Are you ever worried that the politicians and the bankers are going to bring the whole thing crashing down?" asks the commercial that first aired on Beck's show Monday. It goes on to explain that "in an economic meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than even silver and gold" and will be "the ultimate barter item."

The ad is mild compared to what's on Survival Seed Bank's Web site.

"You don't have to be an Old Testament prophet to see what's going on all around us. A belligerent lower class demanding handouts. A rapidly diminishing middle class crippled by police state bureaucracy. An aloof, ruling elite that has introduced us to an emerging totalitarianism which seeks control over every aspect of our lives. As the meltdown progresses, one of the first things to be affected will be our nation's food supply ... If you don't have the ability to grow your own food next year, your life may be in danger."

For $150, the company will sell you packages of 22 varieties of seeds -- enough to plant an acre of beans, tomatoes, corn, lettuce and more in a "crisis garden." And these aren't just any seeds. They are "super seeds, grown by small, fiercely independent farmers" in "remote plots, far from the prying eyes of the big hybrid seed companies," according to Survival Seed Bank. It claims most companies sell only genetically modified "terminator" seeds that won't reproduce themselves.

The company was already advertising on several conservative talk radio shows, as well as the Drudge Report, but the commercial on Beck's TV show fits right in with "the host's apocalyptic visions of the future," observed Oliver Wills of Media Matters for America.

"There's nothing wrong with a business that serves some kind of demand in the marketplace, but it goes without saying that fearmongering about economic collapse followed by food shortages ... is big-time black helicopter stuff," Wills said.

On the site Starboard Broadside, blogger "Cpt. Robespierre" played along with the Big Brother agricultural conspiracy theory. "What I don't understand is how it would be good to have non-hybrid/non-genetically-modified seeds when the World Government's Black Helicopters could use their chemtrails to dump Monsanto's Roundup Ready seeds across the land until all conventional crops cross-bred into World Government-approved genetically engineered crops that require you to purchase State-Produced Pesticides."

Survival Seed Bank is far from the only seed company that's capitalizing on public anxieties fed by talk show hosts like Beck. There are even online buying guides and reviews of various vendors.

But for all the scary talk and promises of bountiful harvests amid disaster, are survival seeds worth the money? John Wells of the Web site @DecorLicious looked into that last month and found most of what's being sold to plant "crisis gardens" is nothing special -- just "whatever seeds the people could buy the cheapest in bulk and resell."

For those who feel the need to stockpile seeds just in case Beck is on to something, Wells recommended cutting out the middleman and buying them yourself during end-of-season sales at retail stores. Place your seeds in a durable, waterproof container, Wells advised, "then put the container back and wait for the end of the world as we know it!"

Only $150 to ensure your survival at the official site. ;)
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

Do you garden? Do you use hybrids? I see nothing wrong with this at all.
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

You see nothing wrong with fear mongering to rip people off?

You can buy heirloom seeds for a couple bucks a pack or less at any number of places.
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

You see nothing wrong with fear mongering to rip people off?

You can buy heirloom seeds for a couple bucks a pack or less at any number of places.

I am ignorant on such prices for heirloom seeds. However, it is always a good idea to be self-sustaining especially now.
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

They're cheap...though difficult to get, unless you collected them yourself. My seed collection is pretty good..comes from close to 20 years with a garden in my backyard...and trading with neighbours. eBay is a decent place to get heirloom too. Go one season, collect from the best veg (where you can) of that season, and you have enough to produce quite a bit more the next season. A book about refreshing your local soil, which plants grow best together, natural pesticides and deterrant plants etc... would serve you better.

A book on wild fungi, plants, roots etc..better still. Especially in the case of Zombie attacks etc..
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

Do you garden? Do you use hybrids? I see nothing wrong with this at all.

This bit is scary
"You don't have to be an Old Testament prophet to see what's going on all around us. A belligerent lower class demanding handouts. A rapidly diminishing middle class crippled by police state bureaucracy. An aloof, ruling elite that has introduced us to an emerging totalitarianism which seeks control over every aspect of our lives. As the meltdown progresses, one of the first things to be affected will be our nation's food supply ... If you don't have the ability to grow your own food next year, your life may be in danger."
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

"Oh don't worry. It'll never happen here..."

riiiiight :eek6:
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

Scaring people for fun and profit? Isn't that the whole point of the climate change agenda?

honestly, they probably believe every word of what they say. I know many 'survivalists' who feel the same. And frankly, if you believe in climate change, you do to, whether you know it or not.

but regardless of whether or not you believe in climate change, gov't prostitution or any other other fear tactic, it's only smart to not let prime growing land go to waste. WWII, Victory gardens were common and encouraged. Today they're not because heaven forbid you eat something the gov't hasn't managed to tax yet.

not only do you manage to get some 'free' food, you control what goes into it. Why pay twice as much for 'organic' veggies when you can grow them yourself and not bother having to check the label. I'm partial to berry bushes myself. Low maintenance, comes back every year without any effort on my part, and also provides concealment for shut off valves, in-ground wire boxes and the like. Hell, replace a hedgerow or privet with gooseberries and I challenge anyone to crash it. Flowers smell prettier than roses too (and I'm not allergic to them either)
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

Prunus spinosa - Sloe Berries - and as a plus, you can enjoy some nice gin while you watch someone scream their way through your bushes :)
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

mmmm, slooooooe berry ginnnn.
That was my favorite between my birthday (4 nov) and thanksgiving,
when it then moved up to wild turkey.
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

MrsBish's family mix it with Annis to make Pacharan...damn good stuff :)D
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

$150... for 22 packets of seeds to plant 1 acre? Wow... what a rip off. But I have to hand it to them if they're making enough cash to advertise on that show.

"There's one born every minute," P.T. Barnum.

Oh, hey... I have extra seeds from this year's planting left over. I should sell them on Ebay for $1 a seed. :horse:
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

$150... for 22 packets of seeds to plant 1 acre? Wow... what a rip off. But I have to hand it to them if they're making enough cash to advertise on that show.

"There's one born every minute," P.T. Barnum.

Oh, hey... I have extra seeds from this year's planting left over. I should sell them on Ebay for $1 a seed. :horse:

This is another prime example of what gov. has done.
Real natural organic seeds, that can actually make more usable seed, is
somewhat harder to find, and as you can see, way more expensive.

I have just a few different types, but mostly, I buy new genetically altered every year.
Especially natural organic corn is hard hard to get.

Valk, I think you might have been the one that posted on PiL about
that corn debacle.
It's still going on.
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

This is another prime example of what gov. has done.

What has the government done to seeds? I would see it has something private companies like Monsanto have done. They make crap like their "roundup ready" seeds and then sue small farms when their seeds pollenate neighboring farms.

Real natural organic seeds, that can actually make more usable seed, is
somewhat harder to find, and as you can see, way more expensive.

They're all over the internet for a couple bucks a pack. This company is just trying to scare the gullible that the apocalypse is near or something for massive profit.
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

Scaring people for fun and profit? Isn't that the whole point of the climate change agenda?

No, the whole point of that is for people to act responsibly towards the environment to curb known problems.
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

This is another prime example of what gov. has done.
Real natural organic seeds, that can actually make more usable seed, is
somewhat harder to find, and as you can see, way more expensive.

I have just a few different types, but mostly, I buy new genetically altered every year.
Especially natural organic corn is hard hard to get.

Valk, I think you might have been the one that posted on PiL about
that corn debacle.
It's still going on.
Don't be fooled. My neighbor and I go in on organic and/or heirloom seeds all the time. It is not as expensive as what this company is selling it for. Trust me.
Some examples of legitimate seed companies:

Some great advice can be found at Mother Earth News...
(I subscribe)
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

Are they overpriced? Yea, probably. Is that illegal or unethical? Not on your life. Caveat Emptor. It's a decent seed catalog, especially considering it it's not hybrid. I quit buying hybrid seeds a couple of years ago for this exact reason.

Bish....don't eat & you life will be in danger.
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

Are they overpriced? Yea, probably. Is that illegal or unethical? Not on your life.

Illegal? No. Unethical? Maybe.

Their marketing tactic is irrational fear. If I don't buy your incredibly overpriced seeds what will I barter for my Mad Max clothes after the apocalypse and zombie invasion? What is sad is that it's probably a good fit for Beck advertising and they'll probably rip off quite a large number of fools.
Re: OMG get your survival seeds to repare for the apocalypse

What has the government done to seeds? I would see it has something private companies like Monsanto have done. They make crap like their "roundup ready" seeds and then sue small farms when their seeds pollenate neighboring farms.

They're all over the internet for a couple bucks a pack. This company is just trying to scare the gullible that the apocalypse is near or something for massive profit.

Monsanto is in with the gov.
They are private only to an extent. (follow the money)
They couldn't have any grounds to sue if the gov. hadn't been lobbied to give it to them.