Recent content by Jeffy79

  1. J

    I´m first I´m first!

    :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: i love that face, funny as hell.
  2. J

    Yipeee! I´m not a Newbie anymore!

    :( ?( :P :D :o ?( :o :eek: :headbang: :rolleyes: X( 8) ;) 8) :P :eek: nuke em, nuke em all ;). Lets take over the fields, .50 a gallon, but restrict travel ;) ;) :headbang: :rolleyes: ;) X( :) :(
  3. J


    Nice weather here in NY, 73, 80's tomorrow. FRIGGEN NICE! Ah yes, the real world :). Jeff
  4. J

    suggestion for 2nd forum

    How about a christopher lowell forum? We can listhp and do other stuff, perhaps shave our heads to look like his? :D. Anyways, dont get me started on political debates :). Jeff
  5. J

    Add more details to personal info?

    But I dont know my sex, haven't figured it out yet :D :D Jeff
  6. J

    How many moderators do we need?

    ME ME ME ME ME LOL i cant beleive at one time I wanted to be a mod at HWC, that would of been a bad choice if it was decided. Jeff
  7. J

    So who can I beat up on first? <{([SMACK])}>

    IT WAS ME!!!!!!! I DID IT, IM IMPERSINATING MY IDOL lol. Hardly! Jeff
  8. J

    Is olman really ol\´man, or outlaw?

    ol'man ol'man ol'man, he pisses me off to no end. Gotta understand me, people who pester, and annoy me, just piss me right off. Of course I do get pissed easily. Ah well, wheres that hammer? Jeff
  9. J


    Speaking of balls, nuts, testicles, gonads, etc. Ever see bulls balls? Them suckers are the size of egg plants. Hell anyone ever see a bull wack off? lol hahahahahaha im one sick bistachitchyass. Jeff P.S. im serious about the bull wack off part, we had a bull do it, weirdest shit to see.
  10. J

    Poll: Chipsets or Procs

    This poll has crashed, due to windows XP, please send your money to us, we will gladly incorporate more bugs. :headbang: Jeff