Recent content by SouthernN'Proud

  1. SouthernN'Proud

    Marxism has taken hold

    Quoted for posterity. Y'all know why. And since mods cannot be placed on ignore, with this post I bid y'all a fond farewell. To all those who helped us through our housefire and my long battles with various health ailments, you will live forever in my memory and have my eternal gratitude...
  2. SouthernN'Proud

    Marxism has taken hold

    Let me wage a war in YOUR backyard for five years, then rub salt in the wounds and call it reconstruct.. nevermind. Fuckin forget it. You're worse than any racist that ever lived. Just do me a favor and keep your ass up there.
  3. SouthernN'Proud

    Marxism has taken hold

    So you having to keep a log book equals a coal miner's ordeal. Can it. And not one fuggin word about taxes, Mr. Almighty Federalist. Not one GD word. YOU go dig coal and improve your marketable skills. There was zero option open to these people thanks to your assbuddy abe and...
  4. SouthernN'Proud

    Marxism has taken hold

    Un fucking believable. You really are historically ignorant ain't you? K, tell ya what we gowna do. You drive that truck where we say when we say how we say as much as we say. Haul what we tell you where we tell you. 100% control of your hours, work week...
  5. SouthernN'Proud

    Marxism has taken hold

    Please, please tell me you did not say that. Because if you did, you are beyond redemption and will be heretofore considered brainwashed and zombied.
  6. SouthernN'Proud

    Marxism has taken hold

    Worked just fine for generations of West Virginia coal miners though, didn't it? They still owe their soul to the comp'ny store you know, just now they ain't got as many men left to make the dollar with. And how 'bout them Mississippi and Alabama and Tennessee and Georgia sharecroppers? Guess...
  7. SouthernN'Proud

    NHRA driver Scott Kalitta killed in crash in NJ

    Not a drag racing fan, never have been, but this is sad news. He was a pretty cool dude.
  8. SouthernN'Proud

    How's your garden doing?

    I think I know why... :eyemouth:
  9. SouthernN'Proud

    Marxism has taken hold

    Perhaps because, save one issue, they shop at the same stores?
  10. SouthernN'Proud

    What are you listening to right now?

    Southern Way - Every Mother's Nightmare
  11. SouthernN'Proud

    Marxism has taken hold

    It's on your Form 1040. Toward the bottom.
  12. SouthernN'Proud

    How's your garden doing?

    Mmmm...muscadine... One of these years I swear I'm gonna start me a grapevine or ten.
  13. SouthernN'Proud

    Resistance is futile...

    yeah...when I remember to hit it. I've gone days with the phone off without knowing it.
  14. SouthernN'Proud


    *cleans invisible cobwebs* We've lost a lot of the regulars. Prof...MIA. Fleur...busy with school and discovering penii I reckon. Sharky...being carnivorous? I m'self got more irons in the fire than usual on the homefront. Slim and red woolgathering I guess. Maybe Altron got past second...
  15. SouthernN'Proud

    How's your garden doing?

    For those of us who raise our own veggies, or at least try to. Beans: F. Maybe 1 in 10 came up. Now 10 of 10 are tilled under to make space for something else. I'll have to grub some off the folks this year. Onions: C. The ones the neighbor's damn dog didn't dig up are doing...