Recent content by Urlysis

  1. Urlysis

    We Made It !

    And, don't forget to mention the FIRE ants. They are poisonous, so it burns when they bite.
  2. Urlysis

    Daniel Peter Gardner

    You all are pretty cool. And, reading this thread I wish I could've known Dan. Best wishes to all his friends and family. I'll have to stick around here and get to know some of you better. Or all of you, what the hell.
  3. Urlysis

    Orgasmatron Puts Tech in Sex

    You People are such bunch of perverse, inappropriate, out of order, abnormal miscreants. I love it. :rofl3:
  4. Urlysis

    Where are they now?

    Maybe they're pulling a ghandi and trying the pacifist way to protest.
  5. Urlysis

    Shameless Plug

    HMMMMMMM Very sharp web page design. I don't have a need for thier services, BUT still very nice.
  6. Urlysis

    Hi Everybody...

    Nah, that's not skid marks. That's a wet fa....... um nevermind.
  7. Urlysis

    Hola Digna

    HELLO!!! :lloyd:
  8. Urlysis

    how do you beat your meat?

    Not much for clam sauce. Perhaps an asiago cheese sauce or some other creamy sauce. Or just a good marinara.
  9. Urlysis

    We Made It !

    make sure to watch out for them CHADS!
  10. Urlysis

    Happy Birthday Helsatan!

    Happy birthday :smoke: :drink: :bong: :cocktail: :toast: :beerbang:
  11. Urlysis

    Hey all

    Welcome Nath. Nice to meet you!
  12. Urlysis

    brazillian wax-does it itch?

    OOh OOH OOOHHH! Take pic..........UM Nevermind I lost control of my gutter side for a minute there. Oh screw it take pictures :lol2: :D
  13. Urlysis

    We Made It !

    Where in Florida did you move to? Hope all goes well and you find a great job.
  14. Urlysis


    Thanks man that was pretty good. :D :elaugh1: :rofl2: :laugh4:
  15. Urlysis

    Don't Call Gator 'Spyware'

    lets see!!! It gives you meaningless services that even internet explorer and MS wallet can do for you and it sends your email address to spam mailers. HMMMMMMmmmmmmm