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  1. MrBishop

    Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered

    If you're looking for a headache, but more direct and proven information on the 2011 strain and it's relation to the 2001 Germanic strain, go here: Compare this and the test results from the Multi Locus Sequence Typing vs. the...
  2. MrBishop

    Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered

    The ones turned into "D" for Drugs. Beta-carrotine - from carrots Omega fatty acids - from fish fat Penecillin - from bread molds and I believe mare urine - I can look it up but I've no time
  3. MrBishop

    Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered

    Dude...use penicillin. No technicolour side-effects :)
  4. MrBishop

    Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered

    When you farm livestock commercially, you do so in tightly group environments, and have to use antibiotics to keep the animals healthy. The e.coli in said animals' colons can develop defences against said antiB's - so the farmers switch. Once food matter passes through the digestive tract, it...
  5. MrBishop

    Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered

    YOu can say it all you like...but you're merely changing one authority for another. Hold your breath long enough and I might try it... but all you'll get is a little blue in the face.
  6. MrBishop

    Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered

    Fertilizer...not the oil-based, the natural. Ya know...animal poop. Stuff that's passed through the digestive systems of cows, pigs, chickens etc... where e.coli reside.
  7. MrBishop

    Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered

    Have them tested and licensed...then you can sell all the herbal remedies that you like. Ask the FDA. Natural does not necessarily equate with healthy. I have family in the naturopath field and have/use Arnica for bruises on my kids. Surprisingly effective...and licensed. Imagine that.
  8. MrBishop

    Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered

    Colloidal Silver? Stee-rike 3 - You are OUTTA here!
  9. MrBishop

    Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered

    Oh...and for the record, this strain tends to put a damper on the use of antibiotics, and would actually help push the agenda of 'natural' remedies over pharmacological ones. Stee-rike 2
  10. MrBishop

    Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered Escherichia coli is by no means a rare or new species of bacterium. Found in the gut of warm-blooded animals, from chickens to pigs, cattle and people, E. coli and...
  11. MrBishop

    New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery

    The point is that this isn't kerning. Unless of course, this is kerning too (the ty overlap) In which case...the Nordyke twins have some serious questions to answer to, eh
  12. MrBishop

    New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery

    Best go back to your link...Baraka him(her)self upends your (borrowed) arguments. Kerning has more to do with round letters and letters that are wide, and the spaces between that letter and the next than you can possibly imagine. It's about aesthetics mostly. Trying to maintain the area of...
  13. MrBishop

    New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery

    Kerning? Seriously? Kerning... 1) IBM had a kerning typewriter in 1951. 2) Kerning, or what appears to be kerning in this case, is more about the weak mechanics of the paper-advance than anything planned. Please note the letter linked and then zoomed upon (attached) dated back to 1944...
  14. MrBishop

    Only ten days left!

    In other news...anyone stupid enough to believe the Rapture will be on Saturday, is also stupid enough to be fleeced. Rapture insurance for your pets
  15. MrBishop

    TSA Responds To Texas: Resistance is Futile

    With your own airplane, sunshine. Learn to read between the lines. Get licenced, buy an airplane, buy fuel, rent the use of an airfield and fly your plane through navigable airspace to your heart's content. That section still does NOT grant you the right to fly on other people's planes if...
  16. MrBishop

    Only ten days left!

    I LOL'd There's a Facebook group trying to organize the post-rapture shopping sprees. *peepwall*
  17. MrBishop

    TSA Responds To Texas: Resistance is Futile

    Nobody has the right to fly. You want to get onto an airplane, you get searched first. If you don't want to get searched... don't use a plane. The Constitution doesn't come into it. Neither does the power of the States over Federal Authority, laws etc...
  18. MrBishop

    presto chango

    Cap's dead and Spidey's given up the mask