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  1. MrBishop

    A note to all Veterans of the US Military

    Remembrance Day for us Cannucks too, eh Lest We Forget
  2. MrBishop


    Here's one for Gotho ^_^ LaRouche on WWIII
  3. MrBishop

    Let the hope end here. Time for a change

    There might be good people in the rep/dem/cons/libs/green/wateverfucks groups...but so long as they're asked to toe the line and vote as a block instead of by their conscience, they've lost. and by in large, so have we.
  4. MrBishop

    Let the hope end here. Time for a change

    There's only one way you'll see change in the house/senate/office. Vote independent. Any other vote is for status quo partisan politics which in no way resembles democracy. :lurk:
  5. MrBishop

    Grass Roots vs. Astroturf The video shows a different number of people in attendance... not important tho' - the message is more important than the number of people willing to haul their asses to Washington and stand around.
  6. MrBishop

    ObamaCare: It's for the Children

    You been smoking from Spike's stash again, Winkster? Insurance is 1/6th of your economy? You guys ARE fucked, eh. Even Universal Healthcare like we've got up here, and in numerous other countries doesn't signal the end of insurance. Not even remotely close..but you keep on pushing the "I have...
  7. MrBishop

    ObamaCare: It's for the Children

    Of course he does....but he doesn't get to deny me food just because it impacts his bottom line. Health Insurance is a contract. User pays X/month for which he gets covered for Y (list of ailments and accidents) Insurance Company promises to pay for healthcare costs in exchange for that...
  8. MrBishop

    Media Bias? - say it aint so

    Dude... close to half the population in your 'we care about the rest of the world' nation couldn't find Pakistan on a globe if you spelled the name out for them. Here are your most read news items for Fox today: Chef Commits Suicide After Ramsay TV Appearance Prosecutor in Botched...
  9. MrBishop

    Chrysler employees caught drinking, using drugs, on their break Here...they're re-issuing stock. You can help buy GM out of it's current ownership if it makes you feel better. The IPO's not out yet, but if you hurry, you can get there before the Chinese eat it up - they're talking about buying 10%...
  10. MrBishop

    Chrysler employees caught drinking, using drugs, on their break

    When a company files for bankruptcy protection, the idea is to take all of its assets and use them to pay off as many of the company’s debt as possible. The remaining debt is wiped out, which gives the company a “fresh start.” The bankruptcy process is designed to decide who gets paid — and how...
  11. MrBishop

    Chrysler employees caught drinking, using drugs, on their break

    The US Treasury will initially own 60% of the "New GM," while the Canadian and Ontario governments together have 12% in exchange for $9.5 billion in financing. The United Auto Workers' health care trust fund owns 17.5% and the remaining 10% is owned by unsecured creditors in the form of...
  12. MrBishop

    Chrysler employees caught drinking, using drugs, on their break

    The stock owners either still own stock or they sold it. If they kept the shares, they own precisely the same number of shares as they did before and if the total number of shares is the same, they own precisely the same percentage of the company as they did before. Considering what happened to...
  13. MrBishop

    CIA or Mossad

    The Chinese are all about industrial espionage over the long run.
  14. MrBishop

    Media Bias? - say it aint so

    You have US sons in Pakistan dealing with the flooding and dying? Learn to swim, eh.
  15. MrBishop


    Why not just invite Stormfront members to join OTC, RM? You're most of the way there now.
  16. MrBishop

    CA. Dem Congressional Incumbant exposes herself as racist

    1) The 2000 act is strictly an amendment to an 1976 act. 2) It doesn't deal with schools, educators or students with the exception of how teachers/administration act towards children. (If teachers or administrators are bigotted) An Act to extend further the application of the Race...
  17. MrBishop

    Chrysler employees caught drinking, using drugs, on their break

    The car bailout goes a lot further than just the unionized floor workers keeping their cushy jobs. Take a good hard look at how many suppliers just one of these manufacturers has to have in order to make their vehicles, not to mention sales centers, garages etc etc... Think bigger...WAY bigger!
  18. MrBishop

    CIA or Mossad

    My bet's on China.
  19. MrBishop

    'Hope' poster artist losing hope

    So...he thinks that Obama didn't go far enough...fair enough.