Let the hope end here. Time for a change


molṑn labé
Staff member
The best races (besides yours) are Florida, Delaware, Kentucky, Colorado, California, Arizona & Alaska.

I'm up to an 85 seat swap in the House & 9 in the Seante. Even better, get enough Constitutional Governors to sue over the 10th.

Conservatism in ascendency.
I like your numbers. Id like to see 10 in the senate to split it, although I think we may see some blu-dogs in there.

I was hoping to see this thread soon, BBL
I like your numbers. Id like to see 10 in the senate to split it, although I think we may see some blu-dogs in there.

I was hoping to see this thread soon, BBL

I think the senate will fold over too.

I know some people that even said out in Public they are voting Dem, but
in very private they claim they are actually going Rep, or in a couple of cases Independent.

God help us as this revolution begins.
I keep seeing that we will take the Senate. I hope its true.

If we get both houses the dems are going to offer ImamObama as a sacrifice.


It's hammer time
Both spellings are correct minkey. Thanks anyway.

The Senate requires, by their rules, 60 votes or more. Until the conservatives hit that number, it's a moot point.
I think having the chair is valuable by it's own offerings. #51 is a prime number.

There's trouble on the horizon for both parties, the dems have far more to worry about though. They cannot afford for the swamp to be examined or the American people will find where it connects to the delta.

Rezco et al.
Upside Yo head Cracker!

The next two years are crucial for America.
If an about face from this 50 year socialist slide
isn't instituted immediately, then there's no hope short of armed
insurrection of ever stopping it at all.

I will go tomorrow and vote right down the Republican line as I have since 1980.

It will make not one whit of real difference.

The new folks will get to DC and merely become part of the problem.

As I hand in my ballot I'll ask for this form they have there
for people who are moving out of state.

You fill it out to remove your self from the voting rolls.

I'm done with this stupidity.

And if you actually believe the folks who win today are going to really be
any damn different than anyone else in Washington then you are dumber than a rock.

And you will deserve it, when one is slammed upside your head
just like what happened to Reginald Denny

Winky, this is the single greatest effort to change the face of the (R) franchise, ever. Gingrichs folks wanted the party in charge. This new group wants the Constitution in charge. Give 'em a chance.
Oh my poor widdle Gonzie
oh where oh where have you been? (the last 30 years)

Give them a chance to what?

c'mon tell me What?

Tell me what concrete changes you can possibly expect?
Both spellings are correct minkey. Thanks anyway.


really? because you can find a few instances on the internet of other people making the same mistake? or perhaps that was the way they spelt it in england in 1748?

in any case, it's hardly an ascent given the chimp-level discourse and the neck-and-neck race to show who is dumber across the aisle. i think your loyalty oath buddies are winning that race.
There's only one way you'll see change in the house/senate/office.

Vote independent. Any other vote is for status quo partisan politics which in no way resembles democracy.
Oh Fuck. When I look in a thread, and Winky is the sane voice of reason .... the end of the world can't be far behind. And I almost agree with Bish too ... Dogs and Cats living in sin I tell ya.

Bish, the only mistake you're is absolutism. There are still good people in the rep and dem flocks, and piss poor in the Independant crowd. Folk need to stop listening to (and responding to) the party line, and start actually asking questions, listening to the answers ... and understanding what those answers actually mean.

BUT ... imho ... any Senator, Congressman, Minister, secretary or leader who signed and/or voted for a bill without having read and understood it needs to be facing a judge on charges of treason. If they can't write a bill that can be read and understood ... WTF are they writing? Loopholes, legal chicanery and fine print is what ... this isn't a fucking car lease .. it's the law of the land.
There might be good people in the rep/dem/cons/libs/green/wateverfucks groups...but so long as they're asked to toe the line and vote as a block instead of by their conscience, they've lost.

and by in large, so have we.
There might be good people in the rep/dem/cons/libs/green/wateverfucks groups...but so long as they're asked to toe the line and vote as a block instead of by their conscience, they've lost.

and by in large, so have we.

Very good,:banana: there might be hope for you yet. but you can't ignore that there are party members who don't toe the party line. They've taken the name of the party for two reasons ... one ... there are so many foolish voters out there that can't (won't) see past the colour of the button on your jacket, and two ... it blocks someone who would toe the party line from getting in. Fighting the system from inside as it were. IMHO, that's the only way that you'll ever beat them. From the outside, they'll turn the public opinion (and the pubic themselves) against you. Before you know it, you'll have been found guilty with kiddy porn on your computer, bags of fertilizer and barrels of diesel in your garage ... all of it electronically paid for with your credit cards. When you're inside ... they have to be careful to not splatter themselves with the shit they spread.