Let the hope end here. Time for a change

Thank Gawd

Frankly I'm relieved now that hope for change is over.
We can forget about this for a while and continue to
watch the economy plummet and more and more of the
Obamacare provisions roll out.

What a wonderful state of affairs, now both sides have an excuse

and the slide into serfdom continues unabated

:lurk:KCRA-TV3 Sacramento showing Pete Wilson saying ‘sec of state computers crashed’ and they are having to phone in vote tallys and it will ‘be a long night’ for results
What do you think the entire TEA party movement has been about?

Damn few people know .... including most of the people claiming to be part of it. I know this for true ... the best way to control the rabble is to give them a structure to stand within, and control that ... before they create one of their own. If they manage to create one, get yourself inside it and fill it with your own people, and mis-direct it. Take a look at Greenpeace. A classic example of an organization started with good intentions taken over and gone horribly wrong. Peta is another. Tea Baggers ....?
Like I said before....

the think about tea partiers, and other grass roots is that
you can't push them, or pull them.
You have to walk beside them, and offer up suggestive thinking as you go.
(Like the dog whisperer)

Rebels are Rebels. No matter where they are at.
The north vs. south is mostly gone. It a different ball field now.
meaningless blather the klowns in DC
will continue to wreck this place
like nothing ever happened, mark my words.
so you're already anticipating the impotence of the recently elected? come on winky, these new guys and gals are gonna save us! nah, it's not like they are actually going to bring down the debt. (but if they just provide some resistance to obamacare, that would be enough for me.)
so you're already anticipating the impotence of the recently elected? come on winky, these new guys and gals are gonna save us! nah, it's not like they are actually going to bring down the debt. (but if they just provide some resistance to obamacare, that would be enough for me.)

fuck yeah ... this election result couldn't have been better if they'd written the outcome themselves from the beginning ...;)

People were getting too loud about Washington .. what they were doing, what they weren't, and who was getting paid for it. Now they've got a wonderful stalemate that ensures that they can coast for the next two years ... letting the ripples from what's already done settle until it's too ingrained to remove. Scapegoats aplenty to go around. Even put those loudmouth Pauls where their actions and talk time can be controlled.
It's enough to stop the tide, that's enough for today.

Real Americans fighting for the future > menial understanding on paper.

Push to 2012 and beyond.

:usa: > :glasses3:
2012 could be a problem for the right if the economy recovers (due to no one in particular, really, but obama would of course take credit) and they are seen as having been do-nothings after this election (because they still can't really get much done because of the numerical stalemate + the veto). don't get too confident yet.
2012 could be a problem for the right if the economy recovers (due to no one in particular, really, but obama would of course take credit) and they are seen as having been do-nothings after this election (because they still can't really get much done because of the numerical stalemate + the veto). don't get too confident yet.


You think we can conjure up that many trillion, that fast?
a hearing impaired blind man with one bum leg
could see what is going on
why can't you?

You think we can conjure up that many trillion, that fast?

don't laugh so hard stinky. we've been borrowing against the future for a long time. spend spend spend and pay later. obama's certainly been an, um, overachiever in that respect, but he's hardly the first to balloon debt for short term prosperity. and do you really think that the american consumer is not going to get right back to the spending orgy when s/he gains some confidence and a few extra bucks? at the tail end of every historical event like this - recession and/or depression, the consumer spending curve has drastically accelerated. and yes, i can dig up that data for you if you don't believe me. so, unless this is truly the end of the world as we know it, we'd best get our goggles and prepare for the lewd splatter that will soon be upon us.
The problem is that Obama and the senate, now, won't be letting any cuts through.

Now it's the Dems turn to be the party of NO.
Damn few people know .... including most of the people claiming to be part of it. I know this for true ... the best way to control the rabble is to give them a structure to stand within, and control that ... before they create one of their own. If they manage to create one, get yourself inside it and fill it with your own people, and mis-direct it. Take a look at Greenpeace. A classic example of an organization started with good intentions taken over and gone horribly wrong. Peta is another. Tea Baggers ....?

The people stood up & told the politicians off. Both parties. They created many groups, all under the auspices of TEA Party. There is no organization, outside the local chapter. The people are donating time, effort & buildings to hold meetings. In some places (Florida had one) professional politicians attempted to usurp the name. The real grassroots folks exposed them.

This is not a movement to create a new party or to further the current one. It was not created by any larger groups. It is not sponsored or paid for by anyone. Hell. the Republicans have been running scared of these groups & denoucing them since the beginning.

This is grassroots. Pure & simple. It may not stay that way (not much does) but until now, the TEA Party has been clean of BS.