Let the hope end here. Time for a change

Re: Upside Yo head Cracker!

The next two years are crucial for America.
If an about face from this 50 year socialist slide
isn't instituted immediately, then there's no hope short of armed
insurrection of ever stopping it at all.

I will go tomorrow and vote right down the Republican line as I have since 1980.

It will make not one whit of real difference.

The new folks will get to DC and merely become part of the problem.

As I hand in my ballot I'll ask for this form they have there
for people who are moving out of state.

You fill it out to remove your self from the voting rolls.

I'm done with this stupidity.

And if you actually believe the folks who win today are going to really be
any damn different than anyone else in Washington then you are dumber than a rock.

And you will deserve it, when one is slammed upside your head
just like what happened to Reginald Denny


You are right.
well so far everything is going as expected, except for 3 races.
Those are pretty disappointing. Especially the Coons/O'Donnell one.

At least Grayson is out in FL
I dunno.
I REALLY wanted Barney Frank out, but....
(personally imo he should be prosecuted)

My guess is Boxer will probably get to stay too.

At least Nancy won't be speaker anymore.
I'm not 100% on board with Boehner though, but maybe he'll straighten up and flight right.
I feel a little like *gulp . Bill Maher

There's a lot of stupid people out there.
With a little more depression piled on, Winky might start convincing me.
Hope ends here. Your time is up!

told ya told ya told ya
neener neener

yer not gonna see any change
there is no hope
oh no, you got me wrong there....
I'm mostly an optimist...
There's Always Hope, just not much faith(in that area)
and seize the IRA's!

those evil Rich folks must be punished

redistribute the wealth!
Re: Hope ends here. Your time is up!

told ya told ya told ya
neener neener

yer not gonna see any change
there is no hope
Someone needs a nap!

Pelosi stopped is enough for one night. I just hope we stop some appointments with blue support in the senate.

Shame about Barney, he might get caught with dope and hookers again.
Boxer, I'm gonna get stuck with her again.

More excuses you'll buy em every time

ain't nuthin' stopped
keep on believing the props-a-ganda

you'll see
believe in me

They were called Americans, no hyphen.

I’ll tell you what it’s about.
Its about a truly disenfranchised segment of the population
the only one that hasn’t any claim to special rights.
One that will only continue to dwindle and fade over time.