Let the hope end here. Time for a change

(because they still can't really get much done because of the numerical stalemate + the veto). don't get too confident yet.

They can put forth bills & have the Senate, or the President squash them. Make these fuckers work for their votes. You don't wanna repeal Obamacare? Fine, VETO this.
They can put forth bills & have the Senate, or the President squash them. Make these fuckers work for their votes. You don't wanna repeal Obamacare? Fine, VETO this.

sure, but ultimately they'll not get much done other than some symbolic gestures that ingrate voters everywhere won't think about too much when they vote during the next 'throw those bums out' election. let's face it, there's a lot of fickle pussies out there.
1938, FDR, New Deal. The Republicans overwhelmingly took the House.

2010. Obama. Gov't health. Repeat.

Unliek 1994, this time, the people do want the House to govern.
It might be cheaper if you just bought a cow today.

It's OK. I've always wanted to wallpaper my room with $1, $5's and $10's.
i already pay 3-4 dollars for a half gallon. big deal. get over it. if'n yer poor, eat more lentils er something.

let them eat cake.

Asia has responded to QEII .... Silver has blown it's top. $26 and still climbing, with inventories at historic lows. Gold platinum and palladium are all going batshit crazy as people look for anywhere else but the greenback to preserve their wealth.

Fuck ... a Morgan or Peace silver dollar is only a hair shy of $20 now ..... Your money has lost 95% of it's value in 100 years folks. Think about it.
The Republicans need to get real busy now, and get the jump.
Be first, and often to try to bring legislation to the floor, and see how much
is turned away, and if it is, use the bully pulpit.

We need transparency Now, and often!
. Your money has lost 95% of it's value in 100 years folks. Think about it.

not really. lessening of value per currency unit is an inevitable concomitant of a growing capitalist economy. our standard of living is vastly better that it was 100 years ago. that is a truer measure of wealth.
not if you acquired that standard by borrowing, and it's coming due.
That just means you are more enslaved to debt.
not if you acquired that standard by borrowing, and it's coming due.
That just means you are more enslaved to debt.
no, that's recent stupidity, not the last 100 years.
maybe the last 40 for some, but yeah mostly in the last 20.

We have been borrowing since the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913. The Federal reserve is as Federal as Federal Express. It is just a banking cartel that has gone into an agreement with the government.

not like we have been recently. you have to stop using such nominal logic. learn the difference between mountains and mole hills.
not really. lessening of value per currency unit is an inevitable concomitant of a growing capitalist economy. our standard of living is vastly better that it was 100 years ago. that is a truer measure of wealth.

A gold coin bought a nice suit in 1905.

The gold gold buys the same suit today.

Value degradation?
not like we have been recently. you have to stop using such nominal logic. learn the difference between mountains and mole hills.

You do know that most of the debt is to the Federal Reserve, right? All those mole hills accumulate and forms the mountain we have today.

You know how we pay off the Federal Reserve? By using their notes! We have to pay off the notes in which we use to pay them off with. It all comes full circle. We will never get out of debt unless we end the Fed.
what's really sad is buying a bunch if Chinese junk on credit, then
the warranty runs out, the stuff breaks and is worthless, and we still
have the bill to pay for nothing now.
I'm beginning to worry a bit.
Manxster has recently typed some valid points
rather than responding to the previous post with
derisive or flippant comment.

Should I be worried?