Search results

  1. sbcanada

    Which is your favorite BB?

    Be honest now. :)
  2. sbcanada

    do you ever get sick of sex talk?

    Don't worry s4, I still think your're sexy. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :D
  3. sbcanada

    Honorable Pocket Pool

    Who would want to go in a guys only restroom and wank off? Now the ladies restroom I could see.......... :cocktail:
  4. sbcanada


    Exercise is for fat people. Until I'm fat, I won't excericise. Hell, even when I am fat, I still won't. :cocktail:
  5. sbcanada

    Sheesh, don't even THINK about cheating here...

    How do you lock someone in your house? Don't the locks open from the inside without a key? ?(
  6. sbcanada


  7. sbcanada

    RIP OFF!!

    *bitchslaps Nixy, because she bitchslapped me*
  8. sbcanada


    I don't really keep up on the cyber-dating scene. :P
  9. sbcanada


    Newfoundland? Grandparents? Someone call the cops, that's a double-negative. :P
  10. sbcanada

    Happy Birthday Harry Potter!

    Harry Potter has anti-christ values and therefore you better hide this thread from GOD_ALMIGHTY or he'll smack daddy all yo azz! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  11. sbcanada

    Ever accidentally say LOL in general conversation?

    A while ago I almost would say "lol" in a real conversation... I decided I needed to broaden my humour abreviations and now I use "lmao", "HAHA", and "lmfao". Now since I don't always use the same phrase I don't have it on the top of my head all the time and therefore I don't use it in daily...
  12. sbcanada

    Dr. Suess on computers

  13. sbcanada


  14. sbcanada

    Recycling tips - 48 uses for used condoms

    I don't think the Borg would assimilate you if you just sat there like a wart on brainsoft's ass. :eek: :cocktail: Afterall, their goal is to better their species, why would they want some stupid assed moron like you who goes in their space and sits there, waiting to be assimilated...
  15. sbcanada

    Favorite Poems...

    Weepy females. :rofl2:
  16. sbcanada

    lolol, Where is this??

    Perv. :o
  17. sbcanada

    What has two legs and bleeds?

    :confuse3: :cocktail:
  18. sbcanada

    What to do at a volcano ...

    *bitchslaps kuulani* There is only ONE GOD! :mad2: