Wango, right over your head...How many people do you know own land? At least have vested interest in it...
By land I am talking about the ability to support the people that live on it, as in a farm...
One thing that does not come up in the global warming arguements is the facts of changing of weather patterns... If you are going to bring up warming how about cooling, as in ice ages. I am sure the wooly manmoth was thrilled when the weather started getting warm...
I have seen it snow in the higher elevations in socal over the past 20 years, Even seen smow in Phoenix long before global warming became a catch phrase. This still does not impress me...It only gives the people a way out...
It seems the opinion of the rest of the country is null since Bush was elected twice to office of president. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink...