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  1. highwayman

    Grammar? What's that?

  2. highwayman

    Lets play word association

    chastity belt..
  3. highwayman

    Smilie smilie Carol Smiley....

  4. highwayman

    Lets play word association

  5. highwayman

    Lets play word association

  6. highwayman


    Re: Calender Show February... Could be something on the admin side like a change in a setting or something unchecked. SamCurry did do some updating over the last couple days...
  7. highwayman


    Re: Calender Ditto.. Mine shows jan 2007 but it is on the bottom...
  8. highwayman

    Sorry Prof...

    Check the emissions from that elevator...
  9. highwayman

    Hugo Chavez Swears 'Socialism or Death'

    Play with him first..Then if the oputunity presents itself...bang...
  10. highwayman

    Hugo Chavez Swears 'Socialism or Death'

    A pocket dictator in our back yard by the name of Chavez...This dude will be trouble in the future...
  11. highwayman

    Calling a spade a spade

    Your the man...
  12. highwayman

    Kids kicked off a bus for speaking English

    Personaly I would not be upset if the general attitude would be either learn English or go hungry..But with the PC crowd operating the spin that won't happen...
  13. highwayman

    Calling a spade a spade

    Interesting to see if somebody will take offence again to the word niggardly...
  14. highwayman

    Sorry Prof...

    Perhaps not?
  15. highwayman

    Sorry Prof...

    Ohhh... My... Friggin... God... :confused: Atheism?
  16. highwayman

    Kids kicked off a bus for speaking English

    Hmong people, an ethnic group in China and Southeast Asia... In other words they use chopstick to eat with...
  17. highwayman

    Kids kicked off a bus for speaking English

    Horse shit... Taxes are paid to the schools NOT to segreagate but educate...
  18. highwayman

    editing posts

    Just don't drop em on your foot...
  19. highwayman

    Check out THESE Melons!!

    Damn, thought it was going to be a hooters deal....
  20. highwayman

    Calling a spade a spade

    Along with lip synching?