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  1. AlphaTroll

    How NOT to be a star

    Hey Gonz, my birthday is coming up. Why not surprise the shit outta me and NOT be a cynic...just for the day ;)
  2. AlphaTroll

    Favorite sammich.

    Methinks lower down ;)
  3. AlphaTroll

    Favorite sammich.

    Pork schnitzel on rye with pineapple & Carmel's sweet & tangy gherkins. Or chunky cottage cheese on rye with honey & pecan nuts. Or salami with cheese & chutney on a bagel.
  4. AlphaTroll

    Just curious

    I don't use all or most of these, but these are words used over here: Blacks: Kaffir, zot, houtkop (I guess the literal translation would be woodhead???), Webster, darkies, greenies blah blah ad infinitum Whites: Depends on your home language: English people: Rooinek (redneck), soutie...
  5. AlphaTroll

    I have now used the Final Excuse

    Why did you feel the compunction to lie? It's perfectly OK to turn down sex with a skanky tart just because you are not interested, without having to resort to BS excuses like "I'm gay". Besides, using such excuses could backfire. Next time just be honest and tell them thanks, but no thanks. You...
  6. AlphaTroll

    Blogs Blogs Blogs

    We look forward to being enthralled with tales from your bowels.
  7. AlphaTroll

    Blogs Blogs Blogs

    I have (had) a blog...if only I can remember where it was and what the password was. Far as I can remember it was just a bit of rambling on my side, but I don't recall. I never could manage to keep a diary - found an old box full of stuff from my childhood the other day. And among he lot...
  8. AlphaTroll

    You Fuckers!

    Why is your user title "Also"?
  9. AlphaTroll

    Does anyone at all really care...

    Sounds like a load of bollocks to me.
  10. AlphaTroll

    Trip from hell

    I would probably have spent the night in airport lock up - I am prone to violence these days and wuld likely have inflicted some serious bodily harm to my path. At least that would have taken care of the sleeping arrangements :shrug: Hey - just pretend you are on...
  11. AlphaTroll


    So when is the actual shoutbox ever going to work again?
  12. AlphaTroll

    who the fark

    I look crap in yellow - I defect to the pink team with immediate effect :P (Oh and sorry for dragging this shit thread up again, but anytime a man puts me in yellow something should be said)
  13. AlphaTroll

    OTC BBQ pics 2006

    Why would female logic surprise you so?
  14. AlphaTroll

    World Cup 2006...

    Spaghetti & Meatballs trump Sauerkraut every time dude.
  15. AlphaTroll

    Alcohol-induced illnesses soar in England

    And for most it would seem breathing gets in the way of drinking. Methinks for the most the priority list is something like: Drinking Football (soccer) Drinking Lads / Lasses Drinking Smoking Drinking Figuring a way to get more unemployment benefits Drinking (with money obtained from...
  16. AlphaTroll

    Free Online Insurance Quote!

    Wonder what his total negative score is then? Cos if you gave him a whack and I gave him a whack, it should be rather high (or low...depending on your POV) and if anyone else jumped on it too... Hey slackers, what's the okes karma score then?
  17. AlphaTroll


    I might like you better if we slept together.... Gawds what a naf song :rolleyes:
  18. AlphaTroll


    blimey I think yahoo is slurping us all up!
  19. AlphaTroll

    OTC BBQ pics 2006

    BTW - who all ended up going? Nice pics & whatnot - but methinks Prof is the cutest, cuddly wuddly around :D
  20. AlphaTroll

    Free Online Insurance Quote!

    Haha - too late, still a slacker ;)