Trip from hell


Well-Known Member
I should be home right now. Should. But I'm not. I'm posting from my laptop on the $8-for-24-hours wireless connection at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.

I made it through security quick enough and got to gate D-1 with almost an hour to spare. So then there's a little maintenance check on the plane that will just take a few minutes. Then the captain was going to tell us what's going on in 15-20 minutes. Then 15-20 minutes. Then 15-20 minutes. Then 15-20 minutes. Then 15-20 minutes. Then 15-20 minutes. Then 15-20 minutes. The finally cancelled the flight at about 7. Meanwhile, the ONE America West employee is stuck clearing up 190 individual messes this is creating. As you can probably guess, I was number 190. It was 11 fucking p.m. by the time I got my flight rescheduled.

So I'm scheduled to take off from Atlanta at 5:45 a.m.

They gave me a voucher ticket for some dinner. I got Quizno's because that's all that was open in Concourse D. I was supposed to get a voucher for a room (for a two-hour power nap) and breakfast tomorrow. Supposed to. The guy who kind of cut in in front of me at the last minute got the last voucher ticket at the gate. So Tino told me to go to the counter where I checked my baggage, or if not there, the baggage office.

So I had dinner, and made it to the counter. If there weren't construction going on, I'd have heard crickets. Neither hide nor hair of anyone. The kiosks were shot off, too. I did find two people in the baggage office, who were kind enough to tell me they don't have those vouchers and never have, and that I was supposed to have immediately went to the counter to get them... of course, the counter apparently closes at 9:30. Keep in mind that I got my new flight at 11.

So all I've got is a paper schedule of what flights I'm supposed to be on, and I think I have to hit up the counter to get real tickets before I get back on the plane. That means I have to be at the counter at like 4:45 a.m. If no one is at the counter at that time, I'm filing suit or something.

Oh, they supposedly upgraded my seat from Atlanta to Phoenix to first class. That makes everything OK. :rolleyes:
Long, uncomfortable nights in airports terminals is something everyone else should be forced to least a dozen times. Hang in the Inky, it only gets worse. At least you have're ending your trip with shit -not starting it that way.
Well, if you have first class from Atlanta at 5:45am that should take care of your breakfast...but they definately royally screwed you over with the room. Hang in there buddy.
I would probably have spent the night in airport lock up - I am prone to violence these days and wuld likely have inflicted some serious bodily harm to my path.

At least that would have taken care of the sleeping arrangements :shrug:

Hey - just pretend you are on that Amazing Race show. Except you don't get a million bucks after all is over.

And you don't win a car.

And you don't go to Europe, Africa and wherever else.

But on the plus side you don't have so sniff the stinky armpits of a taxi driver in Delhi.

And you don't have to drink goat's blood.

And you don't have to worry about whether or not the camera is getting your good side.

So yeah - sorry to hear of your shit, hopefully it's over soon.
Sorry to hear that this happen Inky-Ya Know, they do say things do happen for a reason.
Well, that sucks. It also comfirms the low opinion of America West that I formed when I picked you up.

Good luck getting home. Let us know when you get there.

As for the guy who kind of cut in front of you to get that last voucher - He wouldn't have survived had it been me.
Gotta love travelling, eh!

Hopefully this clears up for you and you get home safe'n'sound.

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HomeLAN said:
Well, that sucks. It also comfirms the low opinion of America West that I formed when I picked you up.

Kick ass, cheap, quickie regional airline, ala Southwest. Wouldn't fly 'em for more than 2 hours though. Regional carriers are rough on long hauls.
One employee on duty? Thats insane. I've never heard of less than 3 for a full flight.

Any idea what imploded on the plane?

I'd write letters and howl at the moon over it... for all the good it would do.

Howcome you didn't call up and say "I'm fucked!" ... at least for a giggle.
I found out my new flight arrangements at 11 that night. I figured all you guys would be asleep by that time.

The guy who cut in front of me was long gone by the time I knew anything about the voucher situation.

So I woke up at 4:15 or so and got in line at the ticket counter and got checked in. I had a seat in first class in the very front row. We were all glad to see it was a different plane waiting at the gate. Everything between us climbing into the air and us being 40 miles from Tucson and starting final descent into Phoenix is gone from my memory, so I must have gotten a few hours of sleep on the plane. When I woke up, there was a package of Oreos and a pair of headphones by me.

I had to book it over to the other terminal once I got to Phoenix, but I was the last of seven passengers on the plane, so we all had plenty of room.

And after everything else that airline threw at me, I would have actually been surprised if my bag made it to San Luis Obispo. It didn't, and I wasn't surprised.

I think someone was paying me back for having a good conversation on the phone with what seems ot be the perfect girl for me so far. Things tend to even out like that, I guess.

So I'm going to post the picture of Prof's tattoo and then see about spending a few hours in my own bed.
I'm home now, earlier than expected in fact. I tried to reprint my boarding pass this morning, and it said I was headed for St. Louis. I wished it was kidding. Got to the airport plenty early to see that they had canceled my initial flight overnight and automatically changed my itinerary to change planes at STL. Fortunately, as I was checking my bag, the lady noticed that there was some empty spots on an American Eagle flight to O'Hare leaving at 1:30 (rather than my initial 2:30). Twist my arm, why don't they? One less hour than I expected and no unexpected trip to St. Louis. Had to be in the last seat on a tiny plane, and the girl sitting next to me spilled her cranberry juice on my leg midflight, but at least I'm home by now. BTW, the flight had 70 seats and there were 19 names on the standby list thanks to the cancellation. :eek:

Yikes, sorry to hear about your disastrous trip Inky.
Well, luckily, my bag came in on the next flight and they delivered it here. I was worried I'd have to go buy another pair of flip-flops before the trip to Reno that starts tomorrow. I sure do hope I get a nice, long good night's sleep.

They were trying to find non-stop flights for people, and quite a few of the people on my cancelled flight got put on Delta flights. Thing is, there's no such thing as non-stop service to San Luis Obispo from anywhere except LA or Phoenix. Instead of taking the last flight into SLO today, I took the first flight into SLO today.
sound like you had fun Inky... musical planes... :D

MrBishop said:
Gotta love travelling, eh!

Hopefully this clears up for you and you get home safe'n'sound.

I got as far as no warranty and my eyes gave up....:retard3:
Well, as horrendous as those stories sound, I can top them. Easily.

Most of you have heard me say that I'm tempted to put a bullet through the van's engine. And most of you know that my wishes come true ... doncha?

Well, in an all out effort to please me, the van did it's best to make me happy, and pulling awy from a toll booth in New Jersey, it blew up. We're not sure, but from the oil and noise, it looks like it put a rod out the side of the block. 7pm sunday, stranded with a camper and kids at a truck stop on the Jersey Turnpike. And the vacation fund exhausted.

Now, $3000 US worth of towing later, we're finally home safe and sound. Couldn't get the engine fixed/replaced anywhere in Jersey for at least a week. That was intollerable. I'll post the story in it's exhaustive detail when I stop feeling nausious about the whole affaire.

anyone want to buy a paperweight?