Alcohol-induced illnesses soar in England

And for most it would seem breathing gets in the way of drinking. Methinks for the most the priority list is something like:

Football (soccer)
Lads / Lasses
Figuring a way to get more unemployment benefits
Drinking (with money obtained from unemployment cheque stolen out of gran's purse)

Of course there are exceptions - just basing my (not so educated) guess on the behavioral patterns displayed by most Brits I know.
fergit that drinkin' crapola
chop me up a coupla lines
if I’m going to engage in self destructive behavior

'lets go all the way'
highwayman said:
Who wants to bet that England will put through tough drinking laws after this came out...

Have you ever been to England?, the beer/ale they drink?, it is NASTY!
Of course they will have major liver problems.
tank girl said: realise you're talking about a entire culture where drinking practically comes second only to breathing...?

I lost my PC handbook. Isn't that what they call a gross oversimplified generalization? If so, isn't that bad?

loves stereotypes...they are usually true