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  1. PostCode

    File transfer 98SE to XP

    I use PCAnywhere sometimes. Going to have to get the latest version to be compatible with XP though. Bish, just yard the drive outta the old box, stuff it in the new one , and transfer the files. Maybe 30 minutes tops for everything.
  2. PostCode

    File transfer 98SE to XP Just add parallel cable to the network properties.
  3. PostCode

    PC .doc to MAC .awk conversion

    Actually, I have absolutely zip in terms of Mac knowledge. I've never even looked in one. I get calls a lot though from people asking if we work on them. There is not one place in this county that works on those things.
  4. PostCode

    PC .doc to MAC .awk conversion

    Open Office might be what you are looking for. It is available for the Mac so it should open .doc files just fine as it does in Windows.
  5. PostCode

    File transfer 98SE to XP

    Check the case. I've yet to see a Dell with a warranty sticker on it. In fact most manufacturers are doing away with this because of the need for onsite service calls. No sticker then it's ok to do.
  6. PostCode

    File transfer 98SE to XP

    Just run the utility that was originally used to install the overlay with and uninstall it.
  7. PostCode

    File transfer 98SE to XP

    Pull drive from old machine, Insert drive in new machine, Copy files from old drive to new drive, Done.
  8. PostCode

    How can you mend a broken heart?

    I just watch Red Greene.
  9. PostCode

    How can you mend a broken heart?

    And I needed to know that why Les?
  10. PostCode

    Kudos to the Democrats

    ummmm no.
  11. PostCode


    Yeah, some dude surfin and if you look at the temp it's like 2 celcius outside... :lol2: Only in Canada
  12. PostCode


    no I got my own page for a homepage. Why would I want to make my homepage the site of some guy named Sam? :shudder:
  13. PostCode


    Easier than running through a list of useless, never used, bookmarks
  14. PostCode

    Kudos to the Democrats

    There was. He's in the White House now.
  15. PostCode

    Your XP .NET Passport

    All your base are belong to us
  16. PostCode


    typed the addy in wrong and got Listening to some santana now. heheh
  17. PostCode


    I'll probably owe around 7K this year.
  18. PostCode

    Keeping 32 alive, against their will

    Trust me. They wouldn't want any part of me.
  19. PostCode

    Keeping 32 alive, against their will

    Yes, I am from Oregon, no, I did not agree to kill myself so I don't wanna hear any crap from anyone. Capesh?
  20. PostCode

    Your XP .NET Passport

    Well, eventually he'll get it so why fight it? Just do it and get it over with. Hopefully the card won't be overcharged so when you order pizza in 2008 there should be enough to put the pizza's on it. :lol: