PC .doc to MAC .awk conversion


Well-Known Member
Good morning,

I have a local priest who's trying to convert incoming .doc files into something which he can use on his MAC OS8.3 Appleworks. Anyone know of a decent program?

Freeware/shareware is good. PayWare is OK too.

Actually, I have absolutely zip in terms of Mac knowledge. I've never even looked in one.

I get calls a lot though from people asking if we work on them. There is not one place in this county that works on those things.
PostCode said:
Actually, I have absolutely zip in terms of Mac knowledge. I've never even looked in one.

I get calls a lot though from people asking if we work on them. There is not one place in this county that works on those things.
hmmm....can you say "Niche market" ? I knew that you could :D