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  1. JTP

    2012 Movie

    The trailer was enough to know I don't want to waste money on another CGI disaster in which the main character just barely outruns the lava, tornado, etc. On the other hand, The Road looks like it will be good. Much more realistic. If it's half as good as Cormac McCarty's novel, it will be...
  2. JTP

    If Pot was legal and taxeable

    One of the best arguments for legalization is that it will take a lot of revenue from commercial growers like the Mexican Mafia. No, they wouldn't just dry up and go away, because as long as there is a demand for hard drugs, they've got a business. But it would certainly hit them hard in the...
  3. JTP

    If Pot was legal and taxeable

    MJ is certainly less harmful to health than alcohol and tobacco. That said, it cannot be healthy to draw any kind of smoke into your lungs. And people shouldn't drive when stoned, anymore so than when drunk or using a cell phone. That said, a lot of people are dangerous behind the wheel...
  4. JTP

    Oh, nice one Dubya and Trickier Dickhead!

    "Insurance, n.- An ingenious modern game of chance in which the player is allowed to falsely believe he is beating the man who runs the table."- Ambrose Bierce I paid into health insurance for years, then filed a legit claim. Not only did they not pay, they dropped my coverage like a hot...
  5. JTP

    Ho, Ho, Ho, Green Jobs Czar

    I don't think you can hold Obama or any other President responsible for all the nutjobs in the world, like that Van Jones or that racist preacher. Any time one leaves the house, they are surrounded by nutjobs. If someone goes into politics, they become a nutjob magnet. It's like complaining...
  6. JTP

    Time to Get Out of Afghanistan

    It takes some villages to build a nation, but sometimes you have to destroy the village to save it. Or something along those lines...
  7. JTP

    So...what would YOU do?

    You some kinda Commie? Ruthless, selfish individualism is what keeps the "ecomony" working. At least, it used to...=D
  8. JTP

    Ho, Ho, Ho, Green Jobs Czar

    I'll buy into the hoax and drink the Green Kool-aid when we start making paper, rope and clothing out of hemp again.
  9. JTP

    Time to Get Out of Afghanistan

    Exactly- we are not there to "build a nation" or even paint their thumbs blue. We are to kick ass and make an example- don't mess with us again! Well, "we" aren't over there, but other people are.
  10. JTP

    So...what would YOU do?

    "I think I understand where he's coming from in wanting to protect his kids from violent adults". Well, who protects adults from violent children? And pets, for that matter. Want to know one reason retail sales are down? People like me are staying home. You can't go out in public anymore...
  11. JTP

    Too far?

    I have a friend who actually writes letters and mails them to me. She has the most beautiful cursive handwriting. I think it's called "copperplate". It's almost like calligraphy, but with a black-ink ballpoint. It is one of the biggest joys in my simple life to get a letter from this woman. Not...
  12. JTP

    Time to Get Out of Afghanistan

    What I don't understand is why the Pharmaceutical Industry doesn't buy the opium crop from Afghan farmers and turn it into legal prescription morphine pills for people with cancer and whatnot. I've searched the Internets and can't find much on that subject. It's not like a wide range of crops...
  13. JTP

    Mexico is full of druggies

    Great Scott, folks- It's REAL simple. The Government has no right to your body, unless you surrender that right. You have the right to shadow-box and swing your fists in the air all you want, until it comes close to my nose. Do all the booze and drugs you want, just keep yourself in check...
  14. JTP

    How's your garden doing?

    Yep- pretty sick. Best thing is to compost the big ones.
  15. JTP

    How's your garden doing?

    Some people like okra fried, some boil it down to a slimy consistency. I prefer to either pickle it or use it fresh, chopped up in gumbo/ jambalaya. Pick 'em small- finger-sized- because they get tough and tasteless when much bigger than a finger.
  16. JTP

    Palin B-I-L exonorated. It really is okay to zap kids with a stun gun.

    I investigated this thread just to learn what a "B-I-L" was. After reading, I'm so bored I think I'll get back to my siesta If only lawyers knew how incredibly sleep-inducing they are...overpaid hypnotists (Yawning face)
  17. JTP

    Apollo- Soyuz

    After the Apollo 11 through 17 moon landings (minus #13), and those excellent Skylab missions, NASA had one Apollo shot left. Instead of another Skylab mission, the last Apollo went into Earth orbit to dock with a Soyuz. It was an excercise in Political Science, to the detriment of Space...
  18. JTP

    Did Jack really die?

    Kangaroo, pronghorn antelope, ostrich and emu are all very tasty, and similar in flavor and texture. Alligator may replace beef and pork where I live for economic reasons, but gator meat is as good as any steak or pork chop, if you know how to cook it. The local crawfish are just about as...
  19. JTP

    Enjoy the Recession!

    You are absolutely right! Dandelions and Milk Thistle are NOT weeds to be eradicated, they are very good for your health. :toast:
  20. JTP

    Time to throw in the towel

    I hope y'all don't shut down, but if you must, it was good while it lasted.