If Pot was legal and taxeable

MJ is certainly less harmful to health than alcohol and tobacco. That said, it cannot be healthy to draw any kind of smoke into your lungs. And people shouldn't drive when stoned, anymore so than when drunk or using a cell phone. That said, a lot of people are dangerous behind the wheel (especially angry, aggressive types) who do none of those things, but they still get drivers licenses.
But that's not the issue here- legalization and taxation is. One of the arguments against is that people will just grow their own to avoid buying the taxed product. That's true- a lot of people will, just as a lot people now brew their own beer and make their own wine. Some people still (pun intended) make moonshine and pay no taxes on it. But like alcohol, most people who smoke MJ buy it. Some just don't have land to grow their own vegetables or anything else on. And even if they've got a spare room to grow under artificial light, they don't have the patience or know-how to be bothered with it.
One of the best arguments for legalization is that it will take a lot of revenue from commercial growers like the Mexican Mafia. No, they wouldn't just dry up and go away, because as long as there is a demand for hard drugs, they've got a business. But it would certainly hit them hard in the pocketbook.
I have heard people express the concern that "If pot is legalized, what's next- meth"?
This is a legitimate concern. But you can already legally do amphetamine if you have a prescription for Aderol (sp?). I've heard it's not difficult to get one.
Marijuana does have its evil side.
Adam Sandler movies are funny.
Your keyboard turns a dayglow orange from all the Doritos you eat.
You get brilliant insights into the human condition but can't remember them 15 seconds later.
Inhaling embers and burnt fingertips.
From my work perspective, pot has to be the most benign drug out there. I could make a lengthy list of all the issues I've seen walk through the doors regarding alcohol and other drugs but in my 8+ years in the ER, I think I've seen 3 people come in for pot related issues and all of them were relatively new users who got paranoid about feeling too high.
The current laws are a waste of money and resources.
Marijuana does have its evil side.
Adam Sandler movies are funny.
Your keyboard turns a dayglow orange from all the Doritos you eat.
You get brilliant insights into the human condition but can't remember them 15 seconds later.Inhaling embers and burnt fingertips.

yep, better keep a note pad handy, 'cause it'll sure take the short term memory.
yep, and then it can/will quickly take the sense of direction, then purpose,
then despair follows quite often.
If Pot was legal, we'd all be dopes.

A great way to improve the country.
Everyone can lose all motivation
and stumble around with a screaming case of the munchies!

I'd prolly take up smokin' it again.
There's plenty of motivated pot smokers. Pot being a less harmful drug than alcohol it should certainly be as legal.
If Pot was legal We'd all love Obama!

Your first post past 10K is to advocate
being a pothead, Good Job!

For how many years did you wake and bake?
It would certainly do a wonderful job of emptying out the jail-cells.
Save the system some coin AND get some new revenue.

Wouldn't help me out any..still couldn't touch the stuff, even if it did have a Marlboro logo above the filtered tip.
WASHINGTON, DC -- Nearly 60,000 marijuana offenders are incarcerated in the United States at any given time, according to a study published in the Federation of American Scientists' "Drug Policy Analysis Bulletin." More than a quarter of marijuana offenders are incarcerated for personal possession, with no other drugs involved in the offense.

The total cost to taxpayers of marijuana-related incarceration exceeds $1.2 billion per year, according to the study. "The latest figures cast serious doubt on the argument that marijuana incarceration costs are low enough to be ignored," the study concluded.

The study, "Marijuana Arrests and Incarceration in the United States," was undertaken for the FAS journal by Chuck Thomas, Director of Communications at the Marijuana Policy Project. Based on raw data recently obtained from the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics, the estimated number of incarcerated marijuana offenders is probably the most precise figure ever calculated.

The study also found that there were more than 700,000 marijuana arrests in the United States in 1997, according to the most recent data available from the FBI, 87% for personal possession of marijuana, rather than sale or manufacture.

According to the new study:

At any one time, 59,300 prisoners charged with or convicted of violating marijuana laws are behind bars. (Because many serve less than a year, the total number who pass through the prison system each year, while difficult to estimate, is even greater.)
Of the people incarcerated in federal and state prisons and in local jails, 37,500 were charged with marijuana offenses only, and an additional 21,800 were charged with both marijuana offenses and other controlled substances offenses.
Of the marijuana-only offenders, 15,400 are incarcerated for possession, not trafficking.

"Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey and other drug warriors argue that people do not really get arrested or incarcerated for minor marijuana offenses," said Thomas. "This study proves them wrong. The drug war is very much about sending small-time, non-violent marijuana offenders to jail."
Re: If Pot was legal We'd all love Obama!

Your first post past 10K is to advocate
being a pothead, Good Job!

For how many years did you wake and bake?

What I said is since it's less harmful than alcohol it should be as legal.
If Pot was legal many more people would be stoned.

I will agree Pot is far less harmful than alcohol
but properly used Coke isn’t so bad either.

Amphetamine is widely prescribed
so are painkillers, antipsychotics & SSRIs
but what benefits can you attribute to pot?