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  1. HubbaHubba

    What's in a name ... ?

    Anyone ever here "Your horoscope for today" By Weird Al :eh:
  2. HubbaHubba

    Crypt Raider

    Any way to turn off that music after you beat a level?
  3. HubbaHubba

    Do you prune your hairy man-bush?

    Yes i've read the label.. you use stuff for bikini zones so its already the least abrasive(sp?) type they have, and you just gotta not be stupid, and obviously Nair wont go without that label the last thing they need is some guy suing them due to some burns on his penis. Also Rose, its a case...
  4. HubbaHubba

    How long do you have to wait?

    thanks~ :D
  5. HubbaHubba

    How long do you have to wait?

    uhh ya that'd be great.. put me at five or less if you dont mind...
  6. HubbaHubba

    How long do you have to wait?

    Edit: Wow, way to go me reading the fucking thread~~~~
  7. HubbaHubba

    do you have hairy nipples?

    Go go Ukrainian blood :eh:
  8. HubbaHubba

    Do you prune your hairy man-bush?

    Ha, i have like 4 showers a day. But both my jobs involve a lot of lifting at so its a worked area. :rolleyes:
  9. HubbaHubba


    Thats a lot of queefing...:retard3: Greenfreak queefs a toxic mist?
  10. HubbaHubba

    What's a Shitzu?

    Q: How many Feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? A: "That's not funny." My friends and i have problems with bad jokes Q: How long does it take for your wifes watch to be fixed? A: Indefinately; there's a clock on the stove Q: What was the woman doing in the garage? A: Shes...
  11. HubbaHubba

    What's a Shitzu?

    How many *Real Men* does it take to change a lightbulb? None: Real Men aren't afraid of the dark.
  12. HubbaHubba

    What's a Shitzu?

    How many New Yorkers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None o yo fuckin' business!
  13. HubbaHubba

    Do you prune your hairy man-bush?

    I'll vouche that Nair works really well for the ballzak, just follow the fucking directions or you are insane.. oh and use the leftovers on your passedout friends eyebrows :grin: Oh you may find it wierd though.. when limp the base of your penis sticks to the balls if they are smooth; which...
  14. HubbaHubba

    Your( a proud OTC member) ass is going to prison..all of you.

    In the Clear You can stand up straight and walk tall, no one's after you, unless they're trying to nick something from you! It's good to behave 100% correctly and to the letter of the law, though it's hardly life on the edge… Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty...
  15. HubbaHubba

    Do you prune your hairy man-bush?

    I havent taken it all off but probably would if i wasnt worried about 3 things Ingrown hairs Stubble Growing in thicker The trick is finding a nice balance between 12yr old boy and something denser than the population:size ratio of japan. To some guys probably just learning that guys...
  16. HubbaHubba

    Do you prune your hairy man-bush?

    .... i'll wait for a few responces. need to see how this goes... oh its a POLL... right on :headband:
  17. HubbaHubba

    Worst pickup line used or heard by you????

    "So, are those real?" "You've been a bad girl ...go to my room!"
  18. HubbaHubba

    Study: Kansas is flatter than pancake

    you have gotta be kidding me..... thats just... wow...
  19. HubbaHubba

    Having a bad day?

    :D aaaaahhahahha From now on.. it can *always* be worse