same one I've got going with you, Nicole...Nixy said:I don't know what the special relationship is
greenfreak said:YOU FUCKER!!! You should have told me, I thought you were just an annoying newbie.
Now I know you're an annoying oldbie.
This changes everything. [NY]How you doin??[/NY]
greenfreak said:Arris, if you really don't know what we're talking about, go check your PM's.
Leslie, I had you in mind when I posted that. That was an enlightening conversation, remember?
I was going to put your name in the PM but I thought I better not.
I should give credit where credit is due though.
Today's WOTD is brought to you by LESLIE.
Luis G said:
I have no idea what queef smells like, i doubt it is stinky if the girl has no infections.
Luis its about ten times worse...or the last one that got blown my way wasLuis G said:yeah, it is only a bit (and just a bit) smelly after sex, but not disgusting.
I take it form the general tack of these posts that we are not referring to the singer/actress Queef Latina?????Today's WOTD is brought to you by LESLIE.
greenfreak said:Today's WOTD is brought to you by LESLIE.