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  1. Camelyn

    what gives you the worst gas?

    eggs *shudder*
  2. Camelyn

    can i ask about this

    Nuh uh, that just happens in parliament :D
  3. Camelyn

    can i ask about this

    Only on special occasions, oh and boxing day :D
  4. Camelyn

    Kill her now

    In order to be concerned with human rights violations, the first criteria would be that one is talking about a human. I don't think pedofiles qualify, so problem solved. Gimme the scissors, don't bother with the sharpening, and I'll get right on that *snip snip*
  5. Camelyn

    The Pie Thread

    pi = 3.14159265
  6. Camelyn

    Puter History

    My first pooter.....I looooved asteroids and making birdies fly across the screen :D My Vic 20 CPU: MOS Technology 6502A 1.01 mhz RAM: 5 kilobytes Expandable to 32k ROM: 20 kilobytes BASIC 2.0 Kernal ROM Char ROM Video: MOS Technology 6560 "VIC" Text: 22...
  7. Camelyn

    Check your hotmail today?

    Ditto Leslie. I got the same upgrade and email. Must be a cool, canadian thing only :D
  8. Camelyn

    Microsoft has all the answers

    Here you go dearest. Remember, the internet is your friend and has alllll the answers to life's burning questions :D Just ask Jeeves...
  9. Camelyn

    Oh yeah, what did you(or your kids) dress up as for halloween?

    :tomato: :tomato: :tomato: Always happy to oblige :D
  10. Camelyn

    Oh yeah, what did you(or your kids) dress up as for halloween?

    On the left, my princess and my vampire, with assorted aunts and cousins and sundry :D
  11. Camelyn

    The F*cked up, Twisted, Psychotic adventures of Chucky and Larry

    Addendum noted and added: And so the question becomes, was the writing of this story with Bish a corrupting influence, was the bad boy always inside, and just waiting to spring forth, or was it just being married to me that drove him to the dark side? Things that make you go Hmmmmmm...
  12. Camelyn

    The F*cked up, Twisted, Psychotic adventures of Chucky and Larry

    And the scariest part of all is that the co-author of this master piece of literature is my ex-husband. Mild mannered, clean cut and shy at the time of the writing, which was while we were still married, he has now grown his hair down to his butt, and has a tattoo of Pan covering his entire...
  13. Camelyn

    Welcome Master Shake (ekahs retsam)

    I see. *makes note to change lock on beer fridge and restrict access to snack locker in case he decides to go for some salty stuff while no one is looking :P* :D
  14. Camelyn

    signature issues

    A couple of things, to clear the air. I am going to be frank, so hold on to your knickers :): First off, please do not copy and paste messages from the shoutbox on the playing it loud message board into this forum. I find this in very poor taste, and I would think that you would be able to...
  15. Camelyn

    Bitching thread....

    My snot is black... I find this rather annoying. It may have something to do with the 3 hours I spent sweeping and then hosing down a garage that prolly hadn't seen a broom in 8 odd years. *runs off to blow nose yet again*
  16. Camelyn

    Pregnancy and Folic Acid!

    I dunno. You comment on the hotness factor all the time. "Dude, check out my sister, isn't she hot?" Or does that kind of comment just read better in real life and I should maybe just hush and go back to folding laundry? :D
  17. Camelyn

    The OTC Dual-BBQ thread

    Well gee thanks Nix. Nice that ya went and posted this... Cooooooool Yay...... Cause hey, twas loads of fun being all wet and uncomfortable stuff. :P *Chases Nixy around with a wet towel and a smelly damp dog for due punishment* :D
  18. Camelyn

    Say hello to me

    No way! You are at your sarcastically, caustic best when you are in a bad mood. :D Don't you dare wait 'till you are feeling the sunshine and roses. It's much more entertaining this way, my dearest :D
  19. Camelyn

    Where's that frog

    *blinks* No, no I don't. Please, enlighten me. Please do tell "how those Canadians can be" ;) :D
  20. Camelyn

    What's up with Canada?

    What powerful faction? Seriously man, I'd like to know. Because without some serious hard evidence, this just comes off as paranoid conspiracy theory. First of all, pissing off the US is just plain stupid, and political suicide as well. WTF would be the point of promoting the hatred of a...