Puter History


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Found this site a while back, still love it.

Anyone interested?
This is exactly why i like to keep all my computer magazines. It's great to pick them up ten years later. I still have the very last Boot magazine(with disk) which became Maximum PC.
My first computer...I still own it.

Love the daisy-wheel printer and the audio-tape storage system :D


Introduced: June 1983
Released: October 1983
Discontinued: January 1985
Price: US $600
CPU: Zilog Z80-A @ 3.58MHz
RAM: 80K, 64K available to user
Display: TV (RF) & composite video
36 X 24 text, 16 colors
256 X 192 graphics
Ports: cartridge, video, AdamNet
Expansion: 3 internal expansion slots
Peripherals: Daisy-wheel printer (required)
Storage: 1 or 2 internal cassette drives
External floppy drive available
OS: BASIC, loaded from cassette
I haven't been into them long enough to have seen those. I didn't get into computers until the mid 90's(started with 8086 & 286's) although when i did i dove in head first. Hadn't experienced that kind of power since the first time i had sex.
I remember wanting one of these SO BAD....

But I already had this.
My first pooter.....I looooved asteroids and making birdies fly across the screen :D


My Vic 20

CPU: MOS Technology 6502A
1.01 mhz

RAM: 5 kilobytes
Expandable to 32k

ROM: 20 kilobytes
Kernal ROM
Char ROM

Video: MOS Technology 6560 "VIC"
Text: 22 columns, 23 rows.

Hires: 176x184 pixels bitmaped
8 text colours, 16 background colours

Sound: MOS Technology 6560 "VIC"
3 voices (square wave), noise and volume
The first computer I ever touched was an old IBM Mainframe. Took up a whole large room with a printer the size of a washing machine and huge mag tape drives. Had 16 megabytes of memory and 12 workstations connected. You could literally issue a command and go home for the day, the next day it would be done :lol2:

Anyone know the story about the computer bug?
My first 'Puter...


Still got it... em... its only 3 years old.... :blush:

*CB looks away ashamed*

I don't do technology... I change when I'm forced to... so when I say I'm computer illiterate... it would probably pay to believe me then reduce what you think my standard of knowledge would be by half! :blush:
I got my first comp in '98, but I had my first exposure on the BF's 386 in '94-ish... I WAS pretty comp illiterate once upon a time... now I'm doing a post-grad degree in GIS. Go figure....
alex said:
The first computer I ever touched was an old IBM Mainframe. Took up a whole large room with a printer the size of a washing machine and huge mag tape drives. Had 16 megabytes of memory and 12 workstations connected. You could literally issue a command and go home for the day, the next day it would be done :lol2:

Anyone know the story about the computer bug?

Similar situation here. Xerox Sigma 9. Had 8 disk-packs...which had changeable platters about 2 feet across, and weighed about 40 pounds. :eek: The system itself took up most of a 40 X 40 foot room, and I had one command terminal to run the damned thing. Poor thing could only handle 30 workstations. Funny thing, though...it had 2 1-inch tape drives...and I had to run backups every night...

Do you mean the stuffed ladybug that they placed into the innards by some of the circuit boards?
The first computer that I touched was back in 1972...I was 4 years old and went with my Mom to her old workplace. She was a key-punch operator.

Do not fold, spindle or mutilate -

Something like this
Okay, I didn't know we were going to bring up the dim reaches of antiquity but:
First one I ever laid hands on:

First thing I learned to use (still have one somewhere):

:D Extra credit for anyone who recognizes it.
And first programmable electronic machine I owned:

It had little magnetic cards you could save programs to. It was "bitchin'."
Gato_Solo said:
WTF is with the 'Slide Rule'. Those things even pre-date me... :confused:
I had to know how to use one when I started college (actually learned to use one in HS). :shrug: Got the HP65 the next year.
chcr must be an old fart :lol2:

Gato, no, I mean the story about how the term "computer bug" came to be.
Gato_Solo said:
Something about a cockroach, I believe...
Thought that it was a moth that got itself fried on a vapor-tube...

[singing]A googleing we will go, a googling we will go [/singing]