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  1. R

    Widower promotes Kerry in wife's obituary

    Are people really this hard up for a pair of new undies? Seriously. $1.50 at wal mart if you really need 'em.
  2. R

    I'm in pain

    *offers bread and milk for Prof and tries to stifle a giggle*
  3. R

    Rodney Dangerfield Dies at Age 82

    He definately got beat with the ugly stick, fell outta the tree and hit every ugly branch on the way down. :( I rather liked him, though. It's terrible that he's gone, seems we're losing a lot of greats in the past year or two. *sigh* Guess we all go sometime, but this just sucks.
  4. R

    Howard Stern; the ego moves on

    *doesn't care for Stern at all*
  5. R

    Like to see governator Ahh-nold as president?

    *lol* That'd be fun. I've always been a fan of Bill Cosby running for president. :D :lloyd: On topic? I'd rather not see the constitution changed for just one man. But on the other hand .. change does have to come from somewhere. I don't like that you only have to live in the US for 20...
  6. R

    I aced it!

    :D Congrats!! :D *parties*
  7. R

    The magical size reducing Bear!

    :D Double Congrats!! :D ;)
  8. R

    Brr de f'n brr!

    :( I'm not looking forward to winter. It's already closed-toe shoe weather here. :( Gotta pack up the sandles and unpack the nylons. *sigh*
  9. R

    I suck

    THat's my problem, too. :(
  10. R

    Haven't we been here before

    everyone's gonna bitch and moan one way or the other.
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    :D half drunk's bout the only way to be! :wave: Hiya
  12. R

    Christmas Mall-Muzic drving you nuts yet?

    *smacks another Prof-bumped thread* ;) Ugh. It wasn't even October yet and Hobby Lobby is filled with Christmas decor, trees, etc. I try to support business that don't decorate early, and NOT support businesses that do it so early.
  13. R

    I suck

    and to think I just kept trying to dial 911 and poisen control!
  14. R

    Need for Speed Underground

    Sorry, freako, I meant the computer version I guess.
  15. R

    Lets play word association

    Monday -- week begins
  16. R

    Need for Speed Underground

    I have Grand Theft Auto Vice City, but havne't played yet. I hear compared to N4S it isn't as good, so I've been stuck on Need for Speed instead. Driv3r comes out soon :D
  17. R

    I suck

    BoP -- the blue room is freakin' impossible I think. I made it out, but only because Bish came to the rescue. I swear the phone number is not to be found in that room. Is it random? *lol*
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    Lets play word association

    carrot top *shudder*
  19. R

    Such a Responsible Mother!!! NOT!!!!
