Christmas Mall-Muzic drving you nuts yet?

Ms Ann Thrope said:
But you don't NEED to spend it... A few years ago I asked all my friends and family members to stop exchanging gifts with me.

I agree there. It's hard though. We've given ourselves a limit. Unfortunately, my parents and grandmother don't obey the rules. They keep telling us not to buy anything, but we always do anyway. The person I buy most for and stress over is hubby.
Keep them sane, keep them sane, keep them sane!

Muzak has the opposite effect :lol2:

At Costco we don't have an intercom system so we don't have Muzak :swing: ,but in December they do play Christmas CDs over the Warehouse speakers thats normally just plays music before the store opens.The thing thats been freaking me out over the last week is the Life size Santa(realistic looking) that is in view of the Bakery.Everytime I'm watchin' the wimmenz theres that Damn Santa watching me :errrr:
Uki Chick said:
I agree there. It's hard though. We've given ourselves a limit. Unfortunately, my parents and grandmother don't obey the rules. They keep telling us not to buy anything, but we always do anyway. The person I buy most for and stress over is hubby.

my fam does that to me all the time. il buy for them tho. then ill buy for me. and my parents are like stop that let us get you something!! im trying to limit what i buy cause i dont have much cash. and Jane i know how it is. i was a cashier at Wal Mart at black Friday and also at the season. its cause of that ill try to be a stockman if i choose to go back
Everything in moderation. I happen to like Christmas Carols, but not in November...I love the lights and the pretty packages, I get a kick out of wrapping gifts, and putting up the tree etc...BUT what's wrong with at least waiting until the 1st week of December?

I'll tell you what's wrong with's not enough commercial time! That's about it. If it was up to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blow, malls would get decorated on Dcember 8th, but the stores HAVE to decorate.


As for commercialism and the whole "Pagan" defence...seems to me that the Pagan part of Christmas is the part that's most commercialized, not the christian part.

Plenty of "Yule" chocolate logs
Plenty of trees and lights
Plenty of Santa Klaus

Precious few creshes and crucifixes on sale at Wal-Mart.
Round XXX Stores are already removing the summer stock, and replacing it with christmas trees and decorations.
*smacks another Prof-bumped thread* ;)

Ugh. It wasn't even October yet and Hobby Lobby is filled with Christmas decor, trees, etc. I try to support business that don't decorate early, and NOT support businesses that do it so early.
We had our decoration/Christmas inventory for sale the end of July :p or was it the end of Aug. :shrug: all I remember is I just about through my neck out ,when I did a double take.
I was downtown Toronto today and there was a (bum?) standing on a street corner with a sign around his neck in a crappy Santa costume/hat. :confuse3:

that was random.
god i love christmas! the small of pine, apple, and cinnamon. i love to decorate for it, bake for it. christmas is definitely my favorite time of year....of course, i don't go to mall either.
the Wal Mart I worked in started that just before I left.

as far as the music goes I have been enjoying the Mythos based X-mas songs. Especially Freddy the Red Brained Mi-go
Tonksy said:
god i love christmas! the small of pine, apple, and cinnamon. i love to decorate for it, bake for it. christmas is definitely my favorite time of year....of course, i don't go to mall either..

You're kidding, right? With your hatred of cold?
jsut because its cold outside doesnt mean it isnt a nice time of year. as long as you arent working retail.
My job's kinda strange in that I'm least busy around Christmas season as all resets are finished by the end of October, I just spend November and December on the registers and clearing out the stockroom. Now's my busiest season with the most important reset in the store to do yet, the cough/cold department, ugh. I'm the only one who can afford to take vacation days in December.
If I get the job at RadioShack, this should be interesting. Christmas will be a busy time (read: lots of commissions on top of that minimum-wage base pay), but probably slightly stressful. If I don't get a job at RadioShack, I'm mulling over whether to volunteer for the christmas tree lot at Home Depot. I don't look forward to being up at 5 a.m. to unload the truck (thankfully I avoided that last year), but helping people pick trees and then cutting half an inch off the bottom of the trunk to make them "fresh-cut" and putting them into a mesh to make them more car-friendly isn't so bad. What does suck is trying to keep all the lights on and electric chainsaw running after a hard rain when all the half-mile of extension cord is laying in puddles of water and the GFCI is effectively doing its job.
HomeLAN said:
You're kidding, right? With your hatred of cold?
this will be my first cold christmas long time. i remembered scooting over to my neighbors to baste the turkey (we use his and my ovens) in shorts and flipflop last year. sure hope rob doesn't despise christmas but he did already say that he wasn't opposed to a tree. :swing:
you know the old adage? give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile? i think that'll sum up my christmas decoration planning. *evil grin here