Christmas Mall-Muzic drving you nuts yet?

I haven't been to the mall lately. They weren't playing christmas muzak the week before when I went to the arcade.

Anyway, I only like Mannheim Steamroller's christmas music now.

Lucky for me, this year christmas falls on my regular day off. And if they ask me to work I'll say "Hell NO!".

I worked last christmas, slowest day of the year.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I can't believe there aren't any independently owned, free-standing shops near where you live or work. :nono: Although I suspect that they're just as guilty of playing Holiday Muzak.

That said, what about shopping online?

They are a precious few, but it's cheaper on rent to mall-it rather than go independant. If I really want the good independant stores, I have to drive for at least 45mins...then, there are some decent places to shop. I prefeer not to shop in the "Wallmart's" and "Zeller's" of the world. I prefer artisan shoppes.
MrBishop said:
Anyone else feel like removing mall-speakers until 2 weeks before the 25th?

I'm all for it. It's drives me just as crazy. I used to enjoy it when Christmas wasn't so commercialezed. Now it just reminds you of how much money you need to spend and the crowds, and the craziness. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm gonna have a breakdown.
Uki Chick said:
I used to enjoy it when Christmas wasn't so commercialezed. Now it just reminds you of how much money you need to spend and the crowds, and the craziness. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm gonna have a breakdown.

But you don't NEED to spend it... A few years ago I asked all my friends and family members to stop exchanging gifts with me. The holidays are now much more fun, and the stress level has dropped to something a little more manageable. In fact, one couple I know stopped exchanging gifts with each other 5 years ago. Instead they choose a charity every year and make a joint donation. :D
Spot said:
i cant stand it either.

Add me to that list as well. Stupid christian-slapped-on-top-of-a-pagan-holiday. :mad: By the time christmas and all the familial shenanigans are over, I have to wrench my shoulders back down from my ears with a monkey-wrench... I hate it. :sadhug:
BeardofPants said:
Add me to that list as well. Stupid christian-slapped-on-top-of-a-pagan-holiday. :mad: By the time christmas and all the familial shenanigans are over, I have to wrench my shoulders back down from my ears with a monkey-wrench... I hate it. :sadhug:
Sign me up. If i see ONE SINGLE DECORATION in my room, someone is going to experience a lot of pain. Or whatever.:swing:
it's funny how no one ever likes christmas like i do. and it's not the gifts or the family...i despise the hours spent at my husbands aunt's on christmas morn but it's a neccessary evil. i am more into the season and the point behind it all... 'peace on earth, good will to man'? and the smells are the best...pine and cinnamon and apples....definitely my favorite part...and the red and the green and the warmth, and the shiny paper, and the twinkling lights, and the pie, and the eggnog, and the chestnuts roasting on an open fire...jack frost nipping at your nose? you people are a buncha scrooges!! :D

the Wal-Mart here is already selling trees. those things usually don't go on sale 'til the day after Thanksgiving.
i enjoy it cause its a good excuse to see my fam :) tho i dont like how as was mentioned it took the place of a pagan holliday as well as it was comercialised wiht all the sales adn such. but still get to see my family :)

~Christians roasting on an open fire...
Lions nipping at their toes....

Gotta love the oldies....:D
Ms Ann Thrope said:
stands proudly: Never been inside a Wal-Mart!

I most certainly have. Not for me though. For my five kids that need a new pair of shoes every six months. The only reason I go in there...well, actually my wife does... :D

Why in the hell should I blow a cool $50 on a pair of shoes thet'll be ruined in six weeks, and that's if they don't wear them except for a week during that time?
Ms Ann Thrope said:
But you don't NEED to spend it... A few years ago I asked all my friends and family members to stop exchanging gifts with me. The holidays are now much more fun, and the stress level has dropped to something a little more manageable. In fact, one couple I know stopped exchanging gifts with each other 5 years ago. Instead they choose a charity every year and make a joint donation. :D

i've been working on that with my family for years. at least i've got them to a reasonable spending limit. still trying to get them to go gift-free, but i guess old habits can be hard to break. dinner at my parents house on x-mas eve is what i look forward to. the holiday is over after that.
PostCode said:
Couldn't we just remove them and not put them back? Of course, then people would bitch because they weren't told about the blue light special in isle 5 next to the baby wipes.

I happen to be a cashier... people need their speakers and their music. The music is mostly what keeps them sane and from ripping the cashiers neck (thats me!) off because their fricken shirt is not on sale for $9.98. It 's all of $9.99! What the heck...

Keep them sane, keep them sane, keep them sane!

(Sing this to the tune of, "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow". :lol2: