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  1. Wacky Nacky

    Platonic intra-sexual relationships exist

    schtup? :$ (:$ = the MSN blushy smilie...for you non blushy people). If he wasnt' gay, I think we'd still just be at the friends point.
  2. Wacky Nacky

    Platonic intra-sexual relationships exist

    I might have one with my best friend :D Does it count that he's gay? :$
  3. Wacky Nacky

    Helplessness runs amock

    What's there to do really about the crisis? Go into your local supermarket and sit down in the milk asile. That'll keep you cool. If you get thirsty, just buy yourself some milk :D Go shopping, go to the local pool. Go down in your basement (assumption that you have one) and then lie down on the...
  4. Wacky Nacky

    101 Things You Didn't Know About Me™

    Re: 101 Things You Didn't Know About Me™ Yeah my quality of sleeps' been shitty though :s Woke up half asleep and couldn't get back to sleep (insert more pity, pity me cries here :rolleyes: i'm personally tired of hearing it from me) Scare children?! :O Goodness me no! :O But sounds like...
  5. Wacky Nacky

    Do you like it?

    aw, how cool :O I love it :O It's neat :D What's it for?
  6. Wacky Nacky

    Women and their pointless insecurities!!!!

    I think 10-20% of my weight is flab...either way I just can't care less :$ Since I know i'm not going to do anything to try to help burn it off, there's no use in going "I wish I was thinnner" so yeah.
  7. Wacky Nacky

    Prozac works!

    Re: Flipped is the Key Pills are still my best friend, as I get angry for no apparent reason or over some stupid thing...I actually started screaming at one commerical yesterday :|
  8. Wacky Nacky

    101 Things You Didn't Know About Me™

    well, what am I supposed to do for fun then, oh great anti christ? ;) Scare little children? :D
  9. Wacky Nacky

    Women and their pointless insecurities!!!!

    And i'm less than 60 inch less [[sniffle]] Oh and I weigh 152 last I knew. 36-38 inches is how wide my stomach is :P
  10. Wacky Nacky

    Favorite Position - Hints, Tips, & Tricks

    i'm a girl, we don't have to lift and thrust. Meanwhile working out will be good for ya, nods (see, why do we women expect guys to work for us [besides that they're supposedly able to lift up twice their weight], when we don't do any lifting outselves? O_o)
  11. Wacky Nacky

    Women and their pointless insecurities!!!!

    You're tall, Rose :|
  12. Wacky Nacky

    Yes greatly will be missed..

    Re: Actor-dancer Gregory Hines dead at 57 oh that's horrible! What an awful way to die :(
  13. Wacky Nacky

    101 Things You Didn't Know About Me™

    Re: 101 Things You Didn't Know About Me™ Everything in my life at the moment is a waste of time. I'm just killing time like...everyday for no apparent reason :s. Wake up, kill time online or outside all day until it's time to go to bed, fall asleep, wake up the next day, repeat process. Of...
  14. Wacky Nacky

    Yes greatly will be missed..

    Re: Actor-dancer Gregory Hines dead at 57 :( How did he die? :(
  15. Wacky Nacky

    Lets play word association

  16. Wacky Nacky

    Favorite Position - Hints, Tips, & Tricks

    Unfortunatly none :( But they sound like fun :D Especially the altoids one :D
  17. Wacky Nacky

    What color is your heart????

    That's the same color I got. Which I am not sure currently if I agree 100% about it, but I agree with the falling in love part :D Not sure if I agree with the hurts though :$
  18. Wacky Nacky

    101 Things You Didn't Know About Me™

    Probably that we replied to the thread? And how I waste my time is how I waste my time. If you don't like how I waste my time, you don't have to waste your time with me :D :$
  19. Wacky Nacky

    What would happen?

    I would if I could, but I doubt my dad would let me. And on the bright side? We just sit around to shy to say anything and enjoy each other's company. Me? You'd probably think I was a real ass (if you don't already ;)) since when I get nervous I tend to be loud and attention drawing (one time I...
  20. Wacky Nacky

    short spanish class

    I don't get it :s I took spanish class and i'm sure I can read it aloud alot more quicker if I just read me the spanish part insted of the english :$ How is it supposed to be funny? Oh, yo vamos descansado (sp?) y leer e-mail. Yo hablan español muy horrible :rolleyes:. Edit : And I got...