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  1. habanero

    Long overdue get to know your neighbor thread

    Bob 41 Divorced, but in a new relationship, 3 years. 3 kids mine, 3 kids hers. (heh, The Brady Bunch) 7 cats 1 dog 1 turtle Minnesota Yes, 7 cats, I'm not allowed to kill them. ~sigh~ The things we do for love.
  2. habanero

    Happy Birthday, Q!

    Happy Birthday Q
  3. habanero

    What were you doing...

    Uh, taking a crap. Anything else you want to know.
  4. habanero

    a society without lies, is it possible?

    Lies are necessary, because sometimes the truth hurts. Honey asks "Does this outfit make me look fat?" You know damn well if you said, "No sweetie, the outfit doesn't make you look fat, you look fat anyway", you're not gonna be getting any nookie in the near future.
  5. habanero


    Happy Birthday Leslie.
  6. habanero

    Do you have a job?

    I have a job. It seems the electric, phone, cable, water...etc, providers want money for their services. Damn them!
  7. habanero

    How many tickets for traffic violations have you had?

    I'm a zero. Wait a minute, that don't sound right
  8. habanero

    Hello all, me_a_n00bie here

    This is one dumb newbie. If he/she had any brains, they would have made thier user name me_a_doobie. And whilst I'm here, are youse guys goona come to a decision on this matter. I have been very patient.
  9. habanero


    Yes. I was with friends at a party, and with liquid courage, saw this woman, went up to her asked her for a blow job. I don't know why she said no, maybe I was too subtle.
  10. habanero

    Do you deserve to live in the US?

    11/11 That was too easy.
  11. habanero

    Girl or Gay - the Y2K Dilema

    They're all guys. Or just one guy who looks like seven women. Damn, the lengths some people go to for "Ladies drink Free" night.
  12. habanero

    Wow, that was unusual

    Another board I frequent was invaded by some people from StormFront. Now that was scary, with all those Nazi's trying to infest the membership. Trolls are trolls, all they do is spoil all the fun. Now, when is the nude volleyball game gonna start?:headbang:
  13. habanero

    So what was the reason for the war again?

    It was all just a big public relations gimmick so that Dubya could debut his new playing cards.
  14. habanero

    NFL Draft - how did your team do?

    The Vikings make their draft picks whenever they damn feel like it.
  15. habanero

    Why arachnaphobia exists...

    Why must you kill spiders? Spiders are good people.
  16. habanero

    Hello! Anybody there? 5213

  17. habanero


    I have been informed that avatars with the bare human body are forbidden. Uptight moralists!!!
  18. habanero

    Back. Did you miss me?

    You were gone?
  19. habanero

    Say something stupid...

    They're gonna make me a Moderator. But I'm still looking for the "When Hell Freezes Over" Forum.